Tuesday, February 22, 2011

PS22 Chorus is on TIME!

Check out this entertaining article today about the PS22 Chorus on TIME Magazine's website!


  1. LOVE IT!!! next time it will be the cover shot!

    have a BLAST in Cali kids-- and get as much of it on tape or "film" as possible...

    I can't wait to see you live out your dreams in such huge fashion... I can't imagine a more deserving and professional group!

    KILL IT like you always do! YOU ROCK... and now the few people in the world who have yet to hear you will!

    Sunday can't come soon enough!

  2. Congrats on the 40,000th subscriber and the 29 millionth view!
    I hope you all stay healthy and have the time of your lives in Hollywood.
    Don't forget to take pictures for the next homepage-header! By the way: I apologize in advance to all those celebs who won't make it onto the header because of the lack of space.

  3. I don't know if you'll have time to read this before tonight's performance, but anyway I hop you'll have a blast, I really hope you'll be appearing soon enough for me to watch (the ceremony starts at 2am for me, and there's school tomorrow ...)!!

    I'm sure you and the kids had the time of your life at Disneyland, enjoy the end of your dream-come-true weekend !! :)

  4. I've just been exposed you guys, AMAZING!!!! Congrats on being so wonderful and doing so much hard work!!

    Just saw everyone on TV-how awesome!! YAY!!! Look forward to more music!

  5. Hey mr. B congratulations on going the the oscars. You guys did amazing!!! We are really happy for you guys:)
    The twinnies:)

  6. Jalissa ( Class Of 05)February 28, 2011 at 8:12 PM

    at my PS22 family ! I'm soo proud of all of you ! This whole experience was an experience of a life time. i was so jealous but im happy that people are still carrying on singing soulful music the chorus has gotte more and more talented and im very proud of you guys...you've come a long way. Being in Hollywood has to be an adventure of a lifetime! ilove you guys & MR B job well donee

    -Jalissa (Class of 05)

  7. FANTASTIC work, Gregg! Can't wait to speak to you about the next step which IS your own shows!



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-- MGMT. :)

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