Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Dido Calls PS22 Chorus a Great Alternative to Sunshine!

Coming from a major musical force such as Dido, this makes high praise even higher indeed! Thank you from all of us at 22!


  1. I hope you'll meet her at the Oscars!

  2. This will sound corny but I mean it with sincerity: If I'm having a bad day, I watch a PS22 video. Never fails to make me happy. But they also make a good day even better.

  3. Hi, I'm french,

    I have just heard about you on a french tv and I've immediatly started to search listening your chorus. You started to be known in France !

    I really really think you doin' an amazing job, and the kids are VERY awesome !

    Hope you will continue for a long, lonnnng time.

  4. ... what the rest of us have known for years.


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-- MGMT. :)

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