Monday, January 24, 2011

IMPROV Session

An incredible session of improvising with two of our amazing PS22 Chorus of 2011 members, Azaria & Denise. Yes, the girls and I were completely making this up as we went along.... Seriously and insanely mind-blowing!! This video was captured by extraordinary film-maker, Jonathan Kalafer....


  1. (PS: I think it's fair to tell you that I put this song on my mp3, along with the best from the kids of 2009, 2010 and 2011)

  2. This is AMAZING. I am almost 27 years old and I am jealous of the talent of these two. I could have never come up with those lyrics, melodies, and harmonies on the spot and had it seamlessly flow with Mr. B's accompaniment. Azaria and Denise... you are BEAUTIFUL, TALENTED jewels and I'm glad you helped expose this Mr. B! Thank you for once again making my day and inspiring me. Good luck PS22 at the Oscars!!!

  3. You kids are fantastic! i really wish i had your talent! I cant stand hearing your voices. I envy you sooo much!!! I would never be able to do improv like that. I am in my school chorus but we do nothing as amazing as what you kids do! keep it up and i really wish i could meet you in person! you are like celebrities to me! i am in 8th grade and you are role models. i hope to be able to contact you.


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-- MGMT. :)

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