Monday, November 01, 2010

PS22 Chorus Gets A Message From KT Tunstall!

Thanks to our good friend Tara at EMI for forwarding us this lovely message from KT Tunstall, who dropped by to sing with PS22 last month! Check it out below:

Hi Gregg & the PS22 Choir,

What a total honour to get to sing with you guys and hear your AMAZING harmonies on my songs. It made me feel really lucky.

I had such a fantastic time, and will remember it forever. So much talent and dedication.

Gregg, you're a wonder of the world!!

I hope to see you all again soon, and KEEP ON ROCKIN'!!!

Love KT xxx


  1. How nice of K.T. to write such a genuine note of appreciation. I too agree, Greg you are a treasure! Keep up the good work.

  2. Gregg, if I may: you ARE a wonder of the world :)

  3. omg i miiss u mr.b hope 2 c u soon :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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