Tuesday, August 03, 2010

New Improv.....

Here is one of my favorite audio recordings, as it brings together two of the finest young talents PS22 has to offer, Clive & Justin! This was recorded back in October of 2006, and it's still astounding to me how these kids were able to reach into the music and create something both haunting and beautiful. And yeah, Mr. B's doing a little vocalizing too.....

Clive was in 8th grade and Justin was in 5th when we put this down. Proud to share this also as an audio file too. Find "In My Head" and more on the right sidebar!


  1. That is amazing! I've been showing your choir to my Year 6 students in QLD, Australia and the first time I showed them "Let's Dance" they were mesmerized! Keep up the excellent and inspiring music and performances. Carolyne


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-- MGMT. :)

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