Monday, July 19, 2010

Summer Stock

Here are some goodies I've come across while sorting through the archives! More great vids will surface throughout the summer so stay tuned! But presented here:

1) An alternate version of "One Day" by Matisyahu, featuring Miguelito and Eddie from our final chorus practice! Miguelito sounds great taking over on the spot for a vacationing Leah, and Eddie shows he's all multi-talented and stuff!

2) An alternate version of "Pearls" by Sade from February, featuring a chilling a cappella intro!

3) A solo version of "Naturally" by Selena Gomez as performed by Karinna on the day of our final chorus rehearsal! She does such a great job on this spontaneous hallway rendition!

4) A solo version of "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift from Brielle filmed on May 21. Love the different spin she puts on the song!

5) A solo version of "Disturbia" by Rihanna from Allie that was filmed sometime during the 2008-9 school year! Always awesome to hear Allie...


  1. great work!!! this is amazing. congratulations to everyone. You not only sing, you teach a way of see the life and a way to live in this caotic world....

    sorry for my bad english :)
    from México.
    Laura Nieves (Teacher)

  2. Wow. That version of Pearls is just stunning. I am utterly enthralled by the low range that Brielle has. Just beautiful.

    I have just realized that the choir is in hiatus because of summer holidays... I guess I was so distracted by my own summer holidays that it never occurred to me. :D

    I hope the summer goes well for everyone and I look forward to next years treats!

  3. STILL MISS US MR.B? It was atually fun at the bbq

  4. of course, victor! the bbq was fun indeed! great pic of you guys! :)

  5. wow-i dnt remember doin that song lol

  6. @Allie --let's hope there are more he's got stashed away! Whether you remember them or not they are always amazing-- keep coming back :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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