Tuesday, June 08, 2010

PS22 wins a Webby!!!

Ok, this is HUGE! Today it was officially announced that the PS22 Chorus won a highly coveted Special Achievement Webby Award as ARTIST OF THE YEAR! For those unfamiliar with the Webbys, let's put it this way -- the music industry has The Grammies, the movie industry has The Oscars, and the internet.... has The Webbies!! Just to give you an idea of how prestigious an award this really is, previous winners in our category include Trent Reznor (of Nine Inch Nails), will.i.am, and The Beastie Boys! We are unbelievable proud, honored, humbled, and grateful for this incredible acknowledgement! Find out more about the Webby Awards by following the link. For the official press release announcing PS22's win, click here.

And stay tuned for more, as the chorus will be onhand at the ceremony to accept their award AND perform one of their selections!!


  1. I love your videos and songs and the kids are just awesome. They say that music heals everything and now I see it does. You are amazing.

  2. So fantastic and well-deserved! Just think how many millions of people you've made HAPPY via the web. These kids are so lucky to have an outlet like PS22 and we're lucky to benefit from their collaboration. Congrats!

  3. SOOOOOO EXCITING! The kids singing put you on the map by far but I doubt anyone truly understands all it takes to share these wonderful kids with the world-- teachers don't get in to the profession for awards and accolades but I can think of no-one more deserving-- lets hope there are many more years to come!! You are truly inspirational-- great job Gregg!

    Thanks to all the kids who have passed through those doors and shared their talents with us! This is as much for you as anyone!

  4. Strrrrike!!!
    Congrats! :)

  5. I'm from Brazil and I love your videos and songs! Congrats, you're amazing :)

  6. Awesome! Congratulations on the very well-deserved accolade!

  7. This may be for this year, but it really extrends to include all the preceding years. It just boggles the mind that you can get these results year after year. Listening to Ethan on one of your vids, it is obvious the kids know what they have in you. Congrats and knwo that all of us on the internet celebrate your well deserved award.

  8. Congratulations! You all deserve it - the work you do is amazing, kids and teacher alike. Thank you for sharing it - I love to listen to you all sing with such obvious joy and excitement.


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-- MGMT. :)

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