Friday, April 30, 2010

Queen Latifah, Common & PS22 Chorus Together are JUST WRIGHT

Yesterday, the PS22 Chorus of 2010 got a spectacular surprise visit from Queen Latifah and our old friend Common (with whom the kids performed at the National Tree Lighting Ceremony back in December), who appear together in the upcoming film, JUST WRIGHT!

The chorus made its way to MSR Studios in Manhattan at the invitation of Fox Searchlight Pictures. Wanting to keep it a surprise, we led the kids to believe they were simply getting a tour of the studio. Little did they know what was in store for them! Check out the video below to catch a VERY enthusiastic reaction to their surprise visitors, and then an amazing collaboration on Queen Latifah's song, "Champion!"

And of course, what PS22 Chorus celebrity mash-up is complete without Ethan's obligatory sniff?!

The kids also got some great souvenirs to carry off with them from this amazing experience. They got their choice of a T-shirt or a mini basketball game.

Big thanks to Common, Queen Latifah, John Maybee, and Fox Searchlight Pictures for giving our kids yet another experience of a lifetime! Also thanks to Ms. Lisa for the absolutely AMAZING video footage of the performance, and for some great pics! More thanks go to Victor Breinberg, Mrs. Johnson, Ms. Laurie, Mrs. Panzella, & Ms. Massimo for additional pics seen on this post! See more great shots below!


  1. That performance of Champion is incredible! You must be so proud, Mr. B!

  2. I agree - absolutely incredible! The energy was just superb, the singing was fantastic, and the obvious joy everyone was taking in making that music was remarkable. Thank you for sharing this!

  3. The kids just shine so brightly. They inspire the stars. It's just so great to see them...


  4. Me and some friends want to start a chorus with kids that doesn't have the same opportunities than us and I was looking on the web for something similiar and I found you!
    You're such an inspiration for us! I showed the video to my friends and they were amazed on such talent and love for the music!

    Our main goal is to share our love to music to them.
    We would like to know how did you do it?? any advice? or what steps did you do to get to where you are right now? we know it won't be easy and it will be a long path to follow, but now that we found you, we think it would be cool if you give us some tips... do you have an email or something where we can talk??

    Blessings from Mexico!!


  5. hi mr b. its lucresse. that was awsome. u guys looked like u hade a great time! and of course the experiance wouldn't be complete without Ethan sniffing Queen Latifah!!!

  6. wow i cant beleive u guys met queen latifah and your old friend common i think u guys were really proud of yourselves keep on rockin

  7. I double Heartttt Common!!!! FOREVER and triple hear PS22 chorus to infinity<3

    Ms. M


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-- MGMT. :)

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