Friday, April 16, 2010

I Am Not A Robot!

Coolest song ever? Perhaps! But the PS22 Chorus of 2010 certainly had a blast putting this one together! The song is "I Am Not A Robot" by Marina And The Diamonds.

Another difficult tune learned in one practice, and I'm extremely proud of the results! Great job, kiddos!

UPDATE: Just got word that Marina posted a link to the kids' video on the group's Facebook page, and had some AWESOME things to say about it!

UPDATE 2 (4-17-10): "I Am Not A Robot" is picking up some very impressive YouTube Honors including #14 Most Viewed Today In Ireland!

UPDATE 3 (4-18-10): BIG thanks to one of the chorus's best friends & fans, Perez Hilton, for featuring the kids' newest cover on his blog!

UPDATE 4 (4-18-10): Awesome to see the video on Marina & The Diamonds official website, with another fantastic plug for the kids!


  1. I love this video-- fun song, cute mannerisms by the kids, and a GREAT message!!!
    What a bonus that it is ranking up praise from Marina and the YouTuber's!

    Keep it up kiddos!!!

  2. These kids are absolutely amazing!!.. i just found them on you tube and i have been hooked!... MR. B. ... you are an amazing teacher. And are doing so much for these kids.. And kids even though I'm older I look up to you!.. YOu kids have guts! keep up the amazing work!

  3. I have just discovered these children and I swear, I've never been so uplifted watching a youtube video! I absolutely love this performance (and all of your other ones!) Keep doing that you're doing, it's a beautiful thing!



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-- MGMT. :)

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