Friday, March 12, 2010

Fiona's Song

PS22 Chorus member Fiona wrote this sweet and somber song she ironically calls "Friendship." I found it very touching when she sang it for me, and decided to work with her to arrange it for the full chorus. Here is the beautiful result.

Congratulations to Fiona for her superb song and performance here in the video. Already internet fans are comparing her to a young Avril Lavigne! Love it!! We're so proud of you, Fiona!! What a great example you are to show how to turn painful emotions into something beautiful.

UPDATE (3-13-10): CONGRATS TO FIONA!! She earned a YouTube Honor with her original song as the #68 Top Rated Music Video today!! Check out the screencap below!


  1. Back in October 2009 I had a little chat with Suz about our favorite kids to sing solo this year. I told her that my favorite would be the pale, apparently shy, dark-haired girl, whose name was still unknown to me at that time.
    Then I wrote: "Won't happpen probably. But it would be awesome nonetheless."

    So you can imagine my excitement when I saw this latest video!
    The fact that Fiona wrote that song herself, makes it even more special and I will gladly repeat what I already expressed on YouTube: To me this video exemplifies perfectly, what this chorus is all about.

  2. PS @ Fiona: Feel free to smile more often. It suits you well. :)

  3. That song fits what I am sure every teen goes thru... Avril- yes!.
    Fiona, u are beautiful!...don't be surprised if u get approached to do a modeling gig... Keep writing and good luck...

  4. Tu chantes super bien !!!


  5. Fiona I am so pleased to see you put yourself out there like this. You seem to be an amazing young lady and the courage you have gained by being in chorus is incredible-- there are adults in this world who would never do what you did-- I hope you keep writing songs and letting Mr. B hear them... music will get you through a lot in life and you have clearly learned this even at your young age.

    I am SO PROUD of you for doing this! Keep rocking girl!

    ps-- I love the bottom picture of you smiling with all your friends... you girls are GREAT!

  6. Fiona - Can't tell you enough how much you blew me away!! Please keep writing and keep singing. You are beautiful inside and out. And I absolutely LOVE Your smile!!! :) So very proud of you! LOVE you,
    Aunt Angie

  7. Fiona,
    What a great surprise to see & hear you sing your very own song. You took a chance which showed enormous courage as well as trust. You look and sound beautiful. Keep smiling and be confident in your abilities. I am very proud of you.
    Mrs. B.

  8. You should de-interlace your videos!!! In adobe premiere or finalcut... It would remove all the lines bluring your nice videos!


  9. i wish i knew or understood more about these kinds of things.... thanks for the tip.

  10. Fiona is my favorite chorus-member. You should post more videos of her. (:


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-- MGMT. :)

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