Saturday, March 27, 2010

Catch The Wind

I got an e-mail the other day from a PS22 Chorus fan who just happened to use the expression "catch the wind" in the message. This of course immediately called up this song which I discovered back in college from the Scottish folk-singer Donovan Leitch. So yesterday at rehearsal I thought I'd see what the kids could do with it, and I must say, they made pretty quick work of this one! They learned it in one practice and in less than a half hour! It's amazing the power of a great song (and a great chorus)!!


  1. Amazing!! This is one of my favourite ever songs - thank you for making my heart glow with your beautiful voices!! Caroline in Peterborough, Ontario

  2. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! PS 22 just plastered a smile on my face and warmed my heart - thank you!

    (Mr. B, as soon as I look around for a contact form/email, you'll be hearing more from me! :) )

    Bravo, gang - that was awesome!


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-- MGMT. :)

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