Friday, February 26, 2010

Celtic Woman Arrives At PS22!

Pic by Scott Vollweiler

Yesterday the kids got a visit from Celtic Woman and company, and I doubt anyone involved had any idea just how inspiring a day it would be for all involved. The most memorable moments in life are those where you get more than you bargain for, and making music together was just this euphoric energizing experience that we'll all never forget. Everyone left the "rehearsal" (quotes because it was more unabashed mutual appreciation than work!) smiling and in great spirits! If we weren't before (and we were), it's safe to say we're all completely looking forward to the climax of this amazing collaboration at Radio City Music Hall on Saturday night! Though the song below will not be included in the set at Radio City, here's a taste of what's to come:

Not only did we rehearse the numbers we are doing for Radio City, we also invited Celtic Woman in on one of this year's group's biggest internet smashes, "Empire State of Mind PT. XXII!" The ladies mixed right in with the group and certainly earned themselves the title of honorary New Yorkers after this performance:

In between singing, Celtic Woman took every advantage of this opportunity to get to know the kids. They were wonderful, no airs at all, and just fell right into the mix and mayhem! It was such a great thing to see everyone come together so naturally. Ashley R. even got to play Mairead's fiddle!

It was an honor to sing with Celtic Woman and it was wonderful to hear from them that they felt the same way about singing with PS22.

You can read a great article about the Celtic Woman/PS22 Chorus collaboration over at In the article, vocalist Lisa Kelly says, "The raw passion these young children sing with and the enthusiasm and obvious connection their choral director had with his students was inspiring to us..." Read the entire article here. In addition, Celtic Woman had some more kind words about their experience at PS22 on their Twitter page!

Thanks to Ms. Lisa & Mrs. Johnson (and Scott Vollweiler where indicated!) for the great video and pics! Here are some more....

Pic by Scott Vollheimer

Pic by Scott Vollheimer


  1. Chilling!! What an amazing experience. These kids just keep me waiting and wanting more and more! Keep it up and good luck on Saturday, I'm sure you'll rock it! Awesome stuff Mr B!!

  2. omg!, the combination is chilling!... a record should be in the works.... awesome...

  3. Being a huge CW fan, you kids are great! Have an awesome time on Saturday and I will be thinking of you!

  4. What a great experience this must have been! And the women were so kind and laid-back. Now you go rock that Music Hall!

    PS: I think Lisa's last name is Kelly (or Cheallaigh).

  5. AWESOME!!! you guys sound beautiful together~~ have an amazing time on Saturday-- so happy and proud of all the accomplishments you keep EARNING!

  6. I'm so proud of myself for finally figuring out who is who. LOL

    So allow me to share this newfound knowledge in case you need a reference. ;-)

  7. Chloe is so gorgeous! I loved seeing her singing with the children. It was a magical moment.

  8. Dear P.S. 22 Chorus,
    I was there last night at your performance with Celtic Women. You were absolutely wonderful. You all sing so beautifully. The concert was amazing but when you guys walked out on stage and I saw your smiling faces it made the concert a million times better. I am so proud of all your achievements, and wish you all nothing but the best. Keep reahing for the stars, and keep singing beautifully. Best Wishes!

    -Marissa Abreu

    P.s. To your teacher, I can only hope that one day I will be half the teacher you have been for these students, your caring truly shows. Congratulations!

  9. Wonderful work, kids! You have such beautiful voices and such amazing passion. Thank you for inspiring me with each new song you sing.


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-- MGMT. :)

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