Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Holy Today Show!

Big thanks to NBC and the Today Show for giving us permission to upload this video of the PS22 Chorus singing "O Holy Night" amidst holiday greetings from random New Yorkers. This footage aired nationally on Christmas Day 2009, but some stations went to local news and did not show it. (This includes, bewilderingly, New York itself where all this was filmed!) So although it's a bit late for holiday stuff, I thought this certainly would not go unappreciated.


  1. That was so cute! I can't believe it wasn't shown on air in more places!! Glad they let you post it :)

  2. Still gives me goosebumps! PS22 Rocks!

  3. wow just crying from hearing it, it was beautiful never get tired of hearing of it


  4. Thank you Meena. You have three incredibly sweet cousins, all of whom have been in my chorus. I can see kindness runs in the family. So happy you enjoyed the videos all the way from Cairo.

    By the way, I was in Cairo when I was Sandy's age. Loved it!! :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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