Monday, January 04, 2010

14 Million Views!!!

Congrats to the PS22 Chorus for achieving over 14,000,000 views of their videos on the internet! Astounding!!


  1. wow thats awsome i think the big thanks goes to MR.B doing what he does to make us so good:)


  2. Sandy, you are truly one of a kind, and the chorus and I are lucky to have you with us. Thank you so much for that...

  3. Like I told Mr B-- Sandy you are amazing-- I think you are the perfect mix of profound insightfulness and witty adult sarcasm all wrapped up in a bright, smiling, beautiful young lady!

    you and your classmates comments are one of the MANY reasons I keep watching...other than the great songs!

  4. You deserve all 14 million views. I ran across some of your stuff a few weeks ago, and speaking from experience as a music teacher - all I have to say is WOW! You and the kids are amazing. Absolutely amazing.

  5. Continuez comme ca vous ĂȘtes les meilleurs!!!
    You are the best!!!


  6. Congrats!
    Now we should all continue to spread the word so that in 2011 there'll be at least 20 million views.
    I think that's entirely possible and definitely deserved.


All comments are subject for approval. So be patient if it doesn't appear right away. I do my best to reply to all comments, but time doesn't always allow. Every comment is read and appreciated, believe me!

-- MGMT. :)

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