Friday, December 04, 2009

Watch The Kids Perform at The White House Tree Lighting!!

So much to post about the previously announced PS22 Chorus performance at the National Tree Lighting at The White House yesterday, and a lot of footage to sort through. So in the meantime, you can watch the full 1 hour broadcast event live on PBS (check your local listings), or right now by clicking on the National Tree website link! The chorus performs with Common a little after the 42 minute mark. (Or just watch this vid below!)

You can also watch Fox News version (same audio, different video) of our performance here or below!

Definitely more to come!


  1. to the kids-- everytime you take the stage it is nothing short of inspirational and this was certainly no exception! so poised and professional while performing and the sound was magical! You are a fantastic representation of why music should stay in schools and what can be done when you are given resources (the fantastic Mr. B) and opportunities!


  2. I've been a fan of the chorus and Mr B for a while now... I can't even remember when I first learned of you. But it was not long after the performance for Tori Amos. And things have skyrocketed over the past year or so for you guys! It's amazing! Making good choices, doing your best, working hard... look at where it gets you! Singing for the President and First Family! Wowza!! Way to go and keep up the practicing and doing what you need to do to stay in Chorus!!

  3. Wow~!!!congrats... You've got another great group this year. I bet you and the kids were jazzed...

  4. hey guys,that was the best song you ever did.also Mr.B,it souds like there is more ALTO or maybe they r more stronger than the SUPRANOS.But still you guys rock the stage!:) from Victor S.

  5. FYI, I tried embedding the code and either its broken or??? went to the site and it still didn't work...

  6. The Link is fine, Chrissy. Make sure you have the latest version of Flash Player installed and if that doesn't work, check whether your spam filter is too sensitive.

  7. Also make sure you're scrolling down and getting the entire embedding code. :)

  8. @Chrissy: Oops, it sees I jumped the gun. I didn't read your post properly and thought you were having trouble with the video itself. So please just ignore the link I sent you. :)

  9. All I can say is OMG!! I'm so excited for you and your extremely talented chorus this year! They were amazing! You know what they say, behind every great performer is a great teacher! What a great honor it must be to perform for all these amazing people. Can't wait to see what they have to offer next!! :)

  10. Hey Mr.b its me Angela i know i havent talked to you in a very long time its because im stuffed with homework lol but i heard and saw that the new ps22 chorus sang at the national tree lighting at the white house. Wow im very impressed on the way they can hit their notes and show facial expression.They sing really really good.please tell the ps22 chorus that im very impressed and congrats and for them to keep on singing so that they can have their moment to shine like you did when i was in chorus and mr.b always remember your the #1 music and chorus teacher that i ever known.

  11. thanks to all for the congrats! and angela, miss you lots! hope you're doing well in your last year of intermediate school!! can't believe how fast time flies! say hello to laura, your mom, and all my old 2008 chorus buds! :)

  12. Wonderful job done Mr B... your chorus are the BEST!!!

    Sandra Fernandez

  13. Hey Mr.B it is me Laura the new chorus of 2009-2010 are so great.I miss the chorus from last year and tell them that they are great and sing really good.Also tell them that they are going to go high everyone will love them just like they loved last year chorus. And I will visit you I promise.GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!

  14. thanks mrs. f! :)

    and laura, i miss you!!!!! thanks for that very sweet message! :)

  15. God Bless You Guys Mr.B!!!!;')......


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-- MGMT. :)

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