Sunday, December 13, 2009

Vote PS22 Chorus as Story Of The Year! is having people vote on Staten Island's Entertainment Story of the Year, with the PS22 Chorus as a contender! Make sure you head on over to their site and vote! (No registration required.) The winning stories will appear in the Staten Island Advance on December 27th.


  1. Sweet!!! How many time can we vote!!! So deserving.

  2. i voted like 20 times in a row they deserve it

  3. Hi Mr. B,
    I am so inspired by you, your talent and the joy you bring to these kids. I am a first grade teacher and use singing to teach reading, choosing music by Cat Stevens, Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, etc. Watching you in action makes me want to go out and buy a guitar and teach myself to accompany the kids like you do! WOW- I love what you do and how you do it- long live the music for our kids and ourselves! Keep on inspiring and spreading the joy!

  4. GREG YOU ARE AMAZING!!I'm very proud of the things you do for so many kids!!Every year starting over & making it happen again!!Your adventures through the years are what dreams are made of!!INCREDIBLE BRO!! CHEERS!!!!YOU ARE THE MAN!!!!!!!a FIGURE FOR ALL TEACHERS TO BE INSPIRED!!GOODLUCK ON YOUR UPCOMING ENDEAVORS!!


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-- MGMT. :)

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