Saturday, December 19, 2009

PS22 Chorus on HGTV Tomorrow!!

As Eddie, in the picture above, gets prepared for his interview to be featured on HGTV, so must we, because it will be airing tomorrow, Sunday, December 20, at 8:00 PM across the nation on the HGTV network! (Available in High Definition!) The program is called WHITE HOUSE CHRISTMAS 2009 and the PS22 Chorus of 2010 will be featured prominently. One of the producers even admitted that the PS22 Chorus contribution was her favorite part of the program! So we're very excited about this! HGTV followed the kids for a behind-the-scenes view of our experience before and after singing for President Obama at The National Tree Lighting ceremony. Chorus member Julian and his mom were even interviewed at home! So we have every expectation that tomorrow's broadcast will provide a special and unique glimpse at our amazing kids, in action and at ease. Tune in!!!


  1. WOW!!! had no idea it was airing THAT soon! so excited!

  2. That was a greeat piece and Julian-- you are so well spoken on that segment~ very nice!

    I am so happy that y'all got this amazing experience~~ it is so well deserved!

  3. I missed it Sunday night (bummed). But it will air again on Christmas Eve @ 8pm on HGTV. I am DVRing that!!! The kids had an AMAZING time they were the best act there!!! Really made the White House Christmassy!!!

  4. you guys rocked it especially julian


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-- MGMT. :)

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