Saturday, November 07, 2009

The PEMDAS Parrot

Back in April, Mrs. Johnson's son, Zach, had a school project for which he enlisted the aid of the PS22 Chorus of 2009. He wrote a song for his math class called "PEMDAS The Parrot" that he wanted set to music. Of course we were glad to help him out, and even got (then) fourth grader, Brielle, to join in on the fun! For the full version, click here.

UPDATE: Congrats to Zach and the chorus on earning YouTube honors for this vid!


  1. LOVE IT!...Nice to see 2009 chorus again!. Reminds me of School House Rock, remember that show? lol

  2. GO ZACH!!! and chorus~~ it's a shame that school has to be so much fun ;)

  3. Up 10 more spots on the most viewed~~ Way to go!!

  4. Hello!
    I'm Wendy from Holland and I just want to let you know that I really love this chorus.
    Today I saw it for the first time, I heard your version of Viva la Vida and I really, really love it!! So I went on watching your videos on youtube. All I can say is: you're really good so go on and do your thing!!

    Best wishes,
    Wendy (sorry, I know, my English isn't very good)


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-- MGMT. :)

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