Friday, October 09, 2009

PS22 Chorus: Beyond The Ordinary

Last Thursday, I had the pleasure of doing an interview with Nancy & Elena from Beyond The Ordinary Internet Radio. The interview is now up along with some musical selections from the chorus interspersed throughout. You can check it out above, or download the interview (and see a nice write-up of the chorus) on the Beyond The Ordinary website.


  1. To be quite honest: The hosts - although 'infinity-nice' - seemed a little ill-prepared. ;)

    Nevertheless, it was a great pleasure to listen to. You are so humble!

  2. o no, selvan, i loved them!! we were just having a stream of consciousness thing. that was one of my favorites. :)

  3. i loved this interview-- how cool that the used African Lion on the write-up!! awesome!!

  4. I love the rendition for Run this town...I actually get goosebumps especially when they sing together amazing stuff:)


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-- MGMT. :)

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