Saturday, October 03, 2009


Here is the new PS22 Chorus of 2010 preparing for a very special performance that took place yesterday, and will be posted about shortly....

UPDATE 10-4-09: This video has just earned itself a YouTube honor as the #63 Top Rated Music Video today! The new PS22 Chorus of 2010 is really making quite the first impression!


  1. The kids are just gorgeous and I saw how well they did as they performed for Beyoncé and Lady Gaga. Its just stunning how fast they learn. The kids and you always do a great job! Keep doing that!


  2. its ethan g and thats me

  3. I can't wait for the piano version. I hope, that it'll have a nice (not so blurry) still and decent camera work, so it'll not only SOUND but also LOOK good, when it's conquering the YouTube charts. ;-)
    PS: It's great to see and hear that the kids have already made a huge step forward since the Fame performance.
    PPS: And Brielle... She's really raising that bar up high into the sky for the next soloists. Yet I wouldn't be surprised if they manage to soar above it.

  4. SABRINA: Thanks so much!!

    ETHAN: It IS you! Wasn't that nice of me to photoshop out your horns and put a halo on ya? ;)

    ZEN: No worries about the piano version. It will be what I consider a more "official" PS22 Chorus vid filmed either by one of the experts -- Ms. Lisa or Mrs. Johnson! But I still think this video has it's moments despite the difficulties I had multi-tasking. :P

    I'll make sure to include some of the bus footage in the piano version when it gets posted. :)

  5. We love your can do attitude in filming and wanting to get the footage-I think you need a helmet cam if your going to try and tackle all three duties and do it well.The ladies have mastered the art of steady filming so :P

    I love the halo Photoshop-- but considering the great things these kids surely have in front of them I think they should have gotten platinum halos and not mere gold ;)

    glad to read that there will be bus footage-- we are all so demanding of you ;)

  6. ah young fourth graders in 2 fifth its a circle game a little funny lookin but they all start out that way


  7. spoken like someone who's lived it! ;)

  8. I absolutely love the PS22 Chorus. Seeing so many young people passionate about singing is incredibly inspiring. As someone who has been in choirs before, though, I am wondering: how come the kids are always sitting down? They could probably produce a much more powerful sound (and be able to really support their voices) if they were standing up! And I can tell plenty of them are trying to do their groove thang and dance a little while they sing. Get 'em up on their feet! :)

  9. i appreciate your advice, emily, but we like our way. :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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