Saturday, October 03, 2009


Yesterday the PS22 Chorus had a day that we'll all never forget! Billboard Magazine contacted us last week to have the chorus surprise Beyonce with PS22 renditions of "Halo" and "Single Ladies" by the lady herself, who was being honored as Woman of the Year at Billboard's Women In Music Celebration Brunch! You can watch it go down in the video below!

The gala event took place at the beautiful Hotel Pierre in NYC. Also in attendance was Lady Gaga, who was also being honored as this year's Rising Artist. Lady Gaga of course is significant to the PS22 Chorus as our most watched YouTube is "Just Dance" with over a million views to its credit. You can see how charmed she was by the PS22 Chorus performance in the pic below!

My mom also played a part in the show, and was on the stage giving us the piano intro to "Single Ladies." That gave her a great vantage point to take that amazing pic you see above of Lady Gaga, and the one below of Beyonce (AND her parents!) responding to the kids' performance! You can see the entire audience was completely enraptured by the chorus -- smiling, laughing, and crying, and all with good reason!!

The kids were indeed unbelievable, especially when considering they have only been together as a group for 3 weeks and had just ONE week to learn both songs! Major props also must go to Brielle, who did some absolutely magnificent soloing! Way to nail those high notes!!

Both Beyonce and Lady Gaga were awesome and came over to the group after the performance for some pictures, hugs, and compliments! Needless to say it was a completely inspiring meeting of the musical minds for both young and...... younger!!

Very proud to announce that the video of the kids singing for Beyonce has already begun earning YouTube honors including the #40 Most Viewed Music Video and the #32 Top Rated Music Video today!

Enjoy some more pics which are, as well as the rest throughout this post, courtesy of my dad, mom, Ms. Lisa, Mrs. Johnson, and the Associated Press from this extraordinary performance below!


  1. Great look amazing!
    Miss Lisa

  2. as does the video, lis! thanks!! the kids and i will be forever grateful for all the moments you've been a part of and helped preserve. WE LOVE YOU!!!

  3. I couldn't agree more with Mr. B--the rest of us love that you get all the video and pictures for us to see!

  4. You guys are AWESOME. I teach English in a small rural high school, and it's just this kind of energy and life I hope my students feel, too.

    I've gone ahead and subscribed to your blog, because I don't want to miss any of your news and music. Consider me a major fan!

  5. did you send beyonce and lady gaga my regards? =.>


  6. lol! of course! did you hear what Lady Gaga said about your "Just Dance" video?? Congrats!!

  7. I'm from Brazil and a big fan of Beyonce, watching the video I became a fan of you, congratulations!
    I am very happy to see how these work being done and once again I leave here my congratulations to these children!

  8. hey mr.B its Lucresse. I totally luv the videos! Im very happy for the chourus, they are sooo lucky. You do a great job too!

  9. yay lucresse, thanks!! you're awesome! :)

  10. I'm so sad!! I've been trying to watch this since you posted and the video wont load! :( I guess too many people are trying to watch it!!! :) :) :) :) :)

    I love you guys so much!!! I am one of your biggest fans! You guys are such an inspiration to kids and teachers...and well...everyone every where!!!!

    Keep up the INCREDIBLE WORK! :)

    Mr. B....You are my hero! :) For reals.

  11. WHOA!!! You guys were with Lady Gaga and Beyonce thats so cool!!!:@

  12. These kids singing are amazing.
    Mr. B, My oldest brother said he had a thing to show me on youtube, and when i saw Tirzah singing "Just Dance" by Lady GaGa, I simply didn't believe, she's perfect. And I liked so much when I saw they singing to Gaga and Beyonce... Congrat's for your Job guys... ;)

    Nando From Brazil :D

  13. dude you are just amazing the work you do with these kids ! ROCK ON !

  14. OMG! i am in 6th grade and i can never find a place like this. your kids are just like me. you see when i sing i put emotion in it and thats exactly what i see in their faces. !!!!!!


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-- MGMT. :)

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