Friday, October 23, 2009

Come Sail Away on the River Styx!

The kids had another great rehearsal today, as evidenced by the video below! The song is the classic "Come Sail Away," by the awesome eighties band, Styx! The kids breathe new life into it, and show how much fun it is to be in the PS22 Chorus of 2010! (Though it seems that Mr. B may be in dire need of some piano lessons....)

UPDATE: The new video has already earned itself some YouTube honors, including the #42 Top Rated Music Video!

UPDATE 2: Perez Hilton just tweeted about our "beautiful new video" on his Twitter page! Thanks to Mr. P for his continued support!

UPDATE 3 (10/25/09): "Come Sail Away" also grabbed the attention of another PS22 Chorus buddy, Ashton Kutcher, this morning! (For more of Ashton's PS22 tweets start here.)


  1. They are sounding great! You are a great teacher and so inspiring to watch! I have done the same thing in the past when trying out a new piece on the piano! LOL The children look like they really enjoy being in your choir! I can't wait to see what you do next, I am hooked! :)I love all the videos... such talented kiddos!

  2. Wow! I love it.
    I'll hand you the greatest compliment and say that this ranks up there with some of my all-time favorites (like Circle Game and Everybody's Changing).

  3. Wow!, the kids did a fantastic version of this song... You must be proud...Their young voices gave a 'sweetness' to it... How about a Norah Jones song? bet they can handle it...:-)

  4. Amazing! I'm an elementary school teacher - and it strikes me how amazing it is that these kids memorize so many of these songs so quickly. I guess that shows what motivation can do for kids!

    Thanks for motivating me.

  5. You are amazing !!!! :) Love it ;) Greetings from Poland ;)

  6. I've been watching the videos on your blog for the past hour and half (though, I should be studying). They're just so great.

    You're doing such an amazing thing with all of these children. It makes me remember exactly why I love working with children.

    Kudos :)

  7. The children singing "Come Sail Away" was beautiful and amazing. My ten year old son and I listened and it brought a smile to both of our faces. You really are a special music teacher!!!


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-- MGMT. :)

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