Monday, October 19, 2009

An Ashton Re-tweet!

After posting the a capella version just days before, Ashton Kutcher re-tweeted about our new piano version of "Halo" video again last night, calling it "simply inspired!" Thanks go out again to one of the chorus's biggest supporters! For more of the many PS22 Chorus tweets from Ashton, start here!

1 comment:

  1. you guys are so awesome! I live in Myrtle Beach, SC and I run a small non-profit organization called: Global Awareness Project. We help to create awareness for service through art.... I am helping a service project here called Hearts Stories (, with their social media presence and giving them a small grant to hire an artist to help them document their project.
    Anywho, I just sent the 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Jenny Edwards, a link to your blog because you guys inspire me!! And, I hope that she will see what you are doing and get inspired as to what is possible!!!
    Hearts Stories brings special guests in the classroom to "share their hearts" with the kids. The children "report" on the visit and write stories about it, journalistic style...
    Maybe one day you can be their special guests!!!!
    Keep it up! I am a fan!!
    Jessica Durivage


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-- MGMT. :)

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