Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Spotlight Video!!

The PS22 Chorus is going to be featured all day today on YouTube's home page as a spotlight video! YouTube chose to go with the cover of "Pictures of You" by The Cure. We think it was a great choice, and here it is below! Thanks to YouTube for giving the kids such awesome exposure!


  1. I saw your video on YouTube and followed it here! I have to say, you kids are absolutely amazing! Always shoot for the stars cause you may find out that they are closer than you'd ever imagine! Never let anyone tell you different!

    Mr.B- you have a heart of gold! what you have helped this choir accomplish is phenomenal! you can see in their faces how much all the kids love and respect you! congratulations!

  2. Awesome! I was thinking about recommending your videos to the YouTube staff, but apparently someone beat me to it. :-)

  3. Watching these amazing kids perform "Pictures of You" brought tears to my eyes. It reminded me of, believe it or not, my 6th grade chorus class! I was so happy in that class, singing and being encouraged by my music teacher. To see the same happiness in their eyes as they sing and follow the lead of Mr. B, their teacher, is moving, inspiring, and beautiful.

  4. Our school theme this year is "Orchestrating a symphony of student success". I discovered you and your blog searching for the perfect intro for my students here in Jacksonville, Fl. All of my kids are "wowed" and so am I.
    You, Mr. B are changing the world.

  5. Like Julia, I followed a video I saw on You Tube here to your site and I wish I lived closer because I would be there at the next concert, cheering my heart out for these amazing, talented little songbirds. And, cheering too, for you...the world needs more teachers like you...giving & inspiring with such a wonderful selfless generosity! You should be very proud of yourself! The world, no doubt, is a better place because of you!!!

    Thanks for the inspiration!! :) Christine

  6. Amazing chorus--you are doing wonderful things for our children. Keep it up!

  7. I received a twitter link to your Pictures of you from the Cure Forum known as Chain of Flowers. It's an amazing job. It was so sweet. It's always been on of my fave Cure songs. Each performer did a great job. It was awesome to see them really get into the song.

  8. Being in the YouTube feature videos was probably the best thing that could have happened to your channel.
    Suddenly all the other videos are flooded with new comments as well. Very nice! I bet you're already past the 10 million mark.

  9. wow, just wow! a friend posted this on facebook and I am blown away...the kids are awesome, and it is just indescribable watching their spirits come through while singing this song..
    I love that you picked a cure song too, you must be one cool music teacher!!

  10. This is my favorite Cure song and it's wonderful to see a new generation experiencing it and enjoying it. Not to mention, making it their own and doing such a great job at it. I've loved watching the different performances I can find online and am glad to see you have a blog. Keep up the great work! You guys are an inspiration!

  11. Great Job Everyone! The music teacher has really but his heart into this project and it shows. What a wonderful thing to be a part of and the kids will remember this time for the rest of their lives.

  12. hey mr.b itz bahira did you also know where on the front page of igoogle.com ??check it out!!!


  13. so cool!! :) miss you bahira! :)

  14. I love that you don't shy away from complex songs that are not traditionally popular. Most people wouldn't think Pics of You by The Cure is a good song for a children's choir but you really embrace the beauty of the song and give it another life.

    My complements to the beauty you are putting back into the world and keep teaching the youth all the great music from our past!



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-- MGMT. :)

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