Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11th 2009

On this day, I can't help but remember how grateful I am to be a teacher at PS22. When I first heard about the attack on the World Trade Center, I was in the school, teaching a music class. Mrs. Rehak came in and told me what happened, and I suppose life has really never been the same since. I learned later that day my neighbor, Grace, who I graduated high school with, was lost on that day. Thinking of her today, thinking of the the so many people that died.... This performance, finally posted in the quality it deserves, is dedicated to them. If ever children represented the voice of hope, here it is.


  1. AWESOME-- I was thinking today that the kids we have now were only 2 or 3 at the time, and in that short 8 years this has become just a history lesson. I think we have all done a lot of thinking today and this made me cry but it was perfect for the day.

  2. Beautiful! What a beautiful tribute and a perfect to remember the fallen of this day, and the heroes out there fighting against terrorism. Thank you for sharing your experience of that day as well.

    I know I will never forget it, I was in class at college when I heard the news, and huddled around a TV when the second plane hit. A week or so later I was on a bus with fellow students out to NYC to see how we could help. Spent some time at Ground Zero which I'll never forget.The sights, sounds, smells - I'd never been to New York before then. I hope to come back some day. I fell in love with it, and with everyone there. I miss it.

  3. Mr. B, you are a wonderful teacher. Thank you for your heart and creativity.

  4. This video has always had a special place with me from the first time I saw it. I await the day when the permanent memorial is constructed and the PS 22 Chorus is there to sing this arrangement for its inauguration. I have not brought myself to go to the site even though I have been to the city numerous times. When your chorus is invited to sing there, I would love to be there to see a true tribute for all those who perished.

  5. mr. B
    This is a gorgeous arrangement! Are you going to make it available, because I would love to borrow it...
    As an elementary music teacher myself, I am in awe of what you are able to do for and with these kids! We just started back to school as well, (I teach in a pretty large city outside of Boston), and I've been showing my 5th graders these videos to inspire them. I'm rebuilding the choral program in my school at the moment, so I can only hope that I can get my kids to be half as enthusiastic about singing as your kids are!
    Thanks for sharing your love of teaching, your passion for music, and you talented students with us!

  6. You do good work my friend. God bless your efforts and these kids.

  7. These kids are truly inspiring! I loved the song. You do great work with them and your passion for teaching shows in how well these kids do. The kids are awesome, you're awesome...can't say the videography is awesome though. Made me a little nauseous watching with the instability of whoever was taking the video. Didn't take away from the performance if you closed your eyes and just listened to the music...which is what I had to do so I wouldn't get sea sick!


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-- MGMT. :)

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