Sunday, August 30, 2009

In The Bleak Midsummer.....

Ridiculously out of season perhaps, but you have to love this beautifully sung traditional Christmas song, "In The Bleak Midwinter," as sung by our favorite fifths. Julian sounds sweet on the solo too. Check it out below!


  1. Wow! My favorite group singing my favorite Carol. It just doesn't get any better.

  2. Hi,
    Heard the story on NPR last week and heard Lady Gaga's 'Just Dance' and just got chills!!! These kids are amazing! Are you producing CD's? I would be interested in purchasing it. amazing!!! good work!

  3. Mr. B, I have a quick little question, I'm sure you're very busy with the school year starting, but I'm hoping you can just give a quick one-word reply!

    How many times a week/how long each time do you guys rehearse?

  4. hey matt, two 1:15 min practices a week.

  5. Keeping Christmas in our hearts all year long! Thanks for giving :)

    Hugs from a lady in Ky.!!

    P.S...thanks for the music downloads...I haven't figured out how to do it yet...but it is coming!

  6. right click over the blue links of each song title, and click "save target as." :)

  7. Hi Mr. B

    Hi Gregg,

    I'm sure you receive messages like this all the time, but my mom (who is an Early Childhoon Educator with a specialization in children with Special Needs) brought you to my attention, and you have moved both of us to tears and inspiration. A simple "thank you" does not do justice to the appreciation I have for what you are doing for those wonderful kids. You are what this world needs.

    I have recently started my own business, called (we are just finishing the website now, should be live in September). The premise of the online magazine is to feature people who have built their career around passion, in hopes of inspiring others from all walks of life that being passionate is not only an amazing thing, but it is a very POSSIBLE thing. I have a list entitled "Dream Interviews" and you are my newest addition to that list. It would absolutely make my life if I could interview you and do a feature story on the wonderful things you are doing.

    I live in Toronto but am coming down to NYC in early October to visit friends. If there is any way possible you would be up for an interview, I will bend over backwards to accomodate your availability - you just fit the mold of how I envision the "Passion Chaser" I figured I would give it a shot.

    Thank you again, you are a truly wonderful human being, and each of these kids' lives have an irreplaceable spark now, because of you. I am speechless ... thank you over and over. I can be reached ANYTIME at: I truly hope to hear from you!

    Chase Passion,


  8. I just wanted to suggest Imogen Heap and The Veronicas as artists who have songs that may be great for your group.

    I wasn't sure where to write that, so sorry if it's not the best place.

    I saw 1,000 Oceans on YouTube and thought it was great.

  9. Hi Greg,

    I have no words. These kids are amazing, and you are even more amazing for the work that you do with them. Thank you so much for EVERYTHING you all have brought to my life...tears, smiles, giggles and, most importantly, the MUSIC!!!

    Peace, Love & Light, Mikki Biggs

    P.S. I hope you choose to do the interview with the Chase Passions woman. It sounds like you are exactly what her premise is about. ~M~


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-- MGMT. :)

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