Wednesday, July 01, 2009

STEVIE NICKS (pics & flicks....)

On June 11th, the PS22 Chorus performed its rendition of "Landslide" for Stevie Nicks at Madison Square Garden. Stevie was incredibly gracious and kind to all of us, as you can see for yourselves. She gave every child individual attention and reminded them that anything is within their grasp. (CASE AND POINT!!) Check it out in the video, below!

The audio on the video is very low, but of course this had to be posted even if there was no sound at all! The kids added a little piece of another Fleetwood Mac hit,"Silver Springs", as an intro to their performance to great effect! And watching Stevie leading the kids from the aisle at MSG is my outstanding memory of the chorus singing the song for her, so I'm glad the videographers caught that. It's too bad it's not in smell-o-vision, because this won't capture the KIDS' most outstanding memory of the day -- how good Stevie smelled!!

Thanks go to Fleetwood Mac, their management and friends (particularly Karen for sending the pics and video footage for the kids to see), Perez Hilton (for requesting and posting our version of the song), and of course to Stevie Nicks. You completely left us inspired!

To read a more detailed account of our meeting with Stevie, click here. And below are some more pics from our afternoon with Stevie Nicks....


  1. I definitely agree, tho it was low, I think added to the effect of the song... Every artist who has heard your chorus sing their songs are touched by what they hear... I am sure they feel honored...
    The photos here are fantastic!..

  2. yes, very happy with the pics and video, thanks chrissy! :)

  3. awesome shots, how great of Stevie to take her time with the kids, she must have gotten 100 hugs that night-- well worth the wait! I hope the kids get on here to see them. Too bad about the audio volume but it still sounded good. Hopefully a lot of these kids will later get to show their individual musical talent on the stage at MSG. Well done guys!

  4. Hi B! Are you guys performing before summer ends? I have watched your videos and heard wonderful things about PS22. Would love to take my kids to see you perform, but will only stay in the East coast until end of August.

    All the best to such wonderful group of kids and to you for providing such powerful inspiration to them.


  5. thanks suz, and i hear ya on the audio.... (so to speak!) ;)

    and thanks gaspar, hope you enjoy your stay on the east coast. the kids don't do much performing in the summer, but anything's possible! :)

  6. Pete from BrissieJuly 2, 2009 at 6:44 AM

    I want to show my support for you guys! Can I buy a T-Shirt I'll donate BIG for a signed one...seriously!

  7. Nice information provide by you.
    You are doing very well job! keep it up.

  8. thank you pete and cyprus. pete, as of now, we don't have any kind of ps22 "merchandise" available, but we'll have to work on that. :)

  9. merch requests, autographs, CD requests, televised appearances... I think you are no longer a "music teacher" but a band manager! ;) ;)

  10. odd... my paycheck is still firmly convinced i'm a teacher.... ;)

  11. LOL!!! good one!

    I guess we should lobby to keep arts in the schools and raise teacher's salary.... sadly those two are usually mutually exclusive.

  12. Wow. I am impressed! A friend of mine, Amy Heidt, a comedian in NYC sent me a link to your students' video of Empire State of Mind, and I just can't get enough! I think that the work you guys do is beautiful, and the experiences that you are having are second to none. I am going to send a link to the new choir director at the middle school where I used to work. You will definately be an inspiration to my former students!


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-- MGMT. :)

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