Friday, July 31, 2009

It's ON!!

Set those TIVOs! On Monday, August 3rd, the PS22 Chorus will be performing live on MTV's "It's On With Alexa Chung" show! The show airs from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (EST) on MTV's main channel. We're really looking forward to regrouping, and everybody's excited for the reunion!

Funny enough, in a way the PS22 Chorus was already on the Alexa Chung show just this week! On Thursday's broadcast, our friends Passion Pit performed on the program, singing "The Reeling" which the kids sing back-up on on their CD, MANNERS! (They're using a track of the kids for this performance!) Check it out below:


  1. Hey, I went to the PP link and the 5th video is marked private, glitch or? anyway I will have to check out this group... Love their sound..

  2. I hope you guys have an absolute BLAST!!! I can't wait to see you rock out :)

  3. congrats to PS22! from barcelona, spain. Hope to heard you in european tour. ;)

    The 'viva la vida' version gives me goosebumps, even better than coldplay! really amazing what you're doing.

    In june, Barcelona soccer team celebrated the three cups with 'viva la vida' coldplay song in the stadium, perhaps next season we'll celebrate with your version! would be terrific!


  4. I'm an elementary music teacher in the Midwest and am totally inspired by the way you work with your students! I would love to hear about some of the ideas that you have for this upcoming school year. I'm thinking about trying a cleaned up version of "Live Your Life"... How do you choose the songs for your choir?

  5. Just went to the MTV site and watched the kids' performance. They did another great job. I can't wait to see what next years kids do! Any plans in the works for a CD yet? Have a great summer.

  6. thanks cindy. song selection ideas come from all over the place, most often spontaneously from my iPod! i have 1 or 2 things in mind for next year, but as a rule, i don't like thinking too far in advance about selections. :)

  7. thanks karen! it's a wait and see.... i really hope it happens one of these days. :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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