Sunday, June 14, 2009


According to producer Wonbo Woo at ABC News, the World News with Charles Gibson feature filmed last week is scheduled to air tomorrow, Monday, June 15th. It is a national news broadcast, so make sure to check your local listings for time and channel. In the New York tri-state area, it will air at 6:30 PM on ABC, Channel 7.

UPDATE: Here is the piece that ran as scheduled on June 15th.

Check out the ABC World News blog for an amazing promotional write-up for the show from Wonbo, or read the screencap below. Keep in mind when you're reading, the World News feature was originally supposed to air the day after Nightline but was postponed. So don't get confused, it is scheduled to air tomorrow!


  1. Is this a different piece or the same thing that aired on Nightline? Either way prime time coverage is well deserved! Can't wait to see more of them singing!

    ps-- how are you having any time for the kids to sing these days with all the media coevrage ;) ;)

  2. this will be a different piece from the same shoot. they took a LOT of footage....

    PS it's easy, they come, and we do what we'd normally be doing! ;)

  3. What a wonderful teacher you are! You bring back good memories for me and my experiences growing up in NY, in Queens. From PS 147 to JHS 192 and Andrew Jackson High, ALL stressed art and music. Some of my best memories are of chorus throughout all those years. How lucky your students are to have you. Trust me, the experiences they are having with you - they will never, ever forget. The music and memories will stay with them for a lifetime, as they did with me. Good Luck and big warm hugs to the kids at PS 22.

  4. thanks BSB! i DO trust you! these kids definitely have earned themselves a whole bunch of unforgettable memories! and we're quite proud of their accomplishments! :)

  5. yup like me

    josh d

  6. So I told my kids ya'll were gonna be on TV tonight and they immediately wanted me to write the time and channel-- ON THIER HANDS-- that's how excited they are to see it! even your fellow fifth graders know talent when they see it! You should have at least 20 households tuning in from VA Beach!

  7. That's awesome, Suz! Thanks so much to your kids and to you!! :)

  8. Another great segment... of course I wish it could have been longer!

  9. Mr. B,

    As a teacher, and someone who used music to get through some of the hardest times in my life, it is a blessing to see you reaching children this way. I am proud to see someone like you in the field, and only hope to someday get my kids as exited about literature as yours seem to be about song!

  10. Wonderful!! I hope you will consider singing and participating with the September Concert Foundation and sing on 9/11 wherever you are.. Check us out at

  11. Yep saw it on CNN here in Japan.
    Way to go guys! Well done!


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-- MGMT. :)

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