Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The PS22 Chorus is Bloom(berg)ing

On Friday, June 26th, the kids sang once again for Mayor Michael Bloomberg and U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer at a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new wing at Staten Island Hospital. The kids sang "Eye Of The Tiger" by Survivor and several others at the event, and the mayor and senator both had some very nice words about the chorus, which you can seein the video below.

Below are more pics from the event....


  1. Great shots!! Whoever you have taking pictures always does a great job...
    Love the hats the boys are rocking! Very stylish--

  2. thanks suz! i'll be sure to pass on your photo praises to mrs. johnson and ms. lisa, our 'house photographers'.... and yes, the fedora is back. ;)

  3. hey mr.b suz is right about the pics and the video taping ,but i noe that ms.lisa n ms.johnson always do an awsome job! she is also right about nick n gabriel rockin the hats !!!lol


  4. yes indeed, april! you guys can take great pride in the fact that you're not only great singers, but you're also highly fashionable... i bet the ps22 chorus will make people magazine's 50 best-dressed celebrities list. they may actually have to change the feature to "the 60 best dressed..." ;)

  5. we were sorta quiet

    but still amazing

    josh d

  6. well i guess the point is, still amazing! great shot of you and the rest of the chorus with the mayor! lookin' very cool, josh d! :)

  7. no worries about the audio Josh ( although that was my first though too) -- I think the world already knows how hard core you ROCK on any song you do~~ but the props from the mayor-- WAY cooler!

  8. Oh my god you guys are amazing. I just randomly came across your blog. Wow. I'm such a HUUUUUGE fan of choruses (I used to be in one in high school) and I'm so happy to see one like this one out there, being promoted. Keep up the good work. Children that do something this good (like you guys) - will change the world someday.

  9. thanks karen, i know the kids will appreciate your message! :)

  10. I wish you guys had recorded Allie singing this version of an angel. :/


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-- MGMT. :)

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