Friday, June 26, 2009

CBS Early Show!

Check out the PS22 Chorus tomorrow on the CBS Early Show airing Saturday morning, nationwide! The kids will be performing live during the second hour of the show.... Can't wait!! :)


  1. Lord, its on at 5-7 am, cali time!.. well for your group, I shall be up! lol. Ur group is contagious..see, what did I tell you?

  2. SWEET!!! Wish I was up there to see em! Have a blast!

  3. wow I'm going to try to ask my mom or dad to tape it

    josh d

  4. Saw your group and fantastic as always!.... Though I wished they wouldn't have had the weather guy talking over the singing...

  5. I'm a ps History teacher in Wilmington, DE. Love love love teaching/kids, etc (the "adults?" - not so much...)Caught the group on CBS ES this am and was totally blown away by all of them! How do I contribute $ to the program?

  6. I must have missed it...You and the kids need to consider performing "Man in the Mirror" as a tribute to Michael Jackson. Back in the 80's, our entire school,(K-6)learned the song in their music classes and sang it on the playground as part of our peace week festivities. Needless to say, there was not a dry eye. It is a beautiful song written by a beautiful soul and to hear the PS 22 chorus sing it would be magical!!:)

  7. with the recent passing of Michael Jackson, I think a tribute should be done. How about Man In the Mirror?

  8. Ye, a tribute would be fine.
    But it only will make sense if the kids decide if they wanna do it and what song of MJ was important to them...

  9. the tribute is finished. i filmed it yesterday, and then refilmed at this morning. originally it was just elijah, but i taught the kids a little part to sing also to back him up. it's short, but sweet. and coming soon.... :)

  10. hi guys, you r' amazing, i from Brazil and i loved it all ! congratulations Mr. B and kids, can you sing "where is the love - from Black eyed peas", i think it would be very beautiful with the kids! acctualy all songs! bye!

  11. Ur doin a great job with these videos Mr.B!Too bad it was our last video.But thats fine cause i know that it wont end this summer!


  12. I'm thinking there's NO WAY you CAN'T do a tribute to Michael Jackson. You guys would do a GREAT job!!

  13. This is why keeping the Arts in OUR schools is soooooo important! Who could argue with the beautiful voices of children? I find it horrible that my own child's school is losing their chorus teacher due to state budget cuts! You guys have shown us WHY the ARTS are IMPORTANT! Congrats to you and your talented teacher!

  14. I just stumbled upon PS22 when searching for a nice version of "Let There Be Peace" on You Tube. I was in tears. It was abolutley amazing! The children and the chorus instructor are an inspiration. He must be worth his weight in gold! I hope PS22 realizes they have an angel among them!!!


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-- MGMT. :)

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