Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Capitol P, Capitol S, 22!!

It's been quite a run the PS22 Chorus has been on as the school year is fast coming to a close. The kids took a trip down to Washington D.C. at the invitation of our friend, Congressman Michael McMahon. (You may recall that the chorus sang at his and his wife's inauguration this past December. Click here if you missed it.) The kids sang outside the Capitol Building to an audience that included (in addition to the McMahon, the other members of the U.S. Congress and Speaker Of The House, Nancy Pelosi. The house speaker was indeed duly charmed and impressed by everything she saw in and heard from the PS22 Chorus. We are honored to have turned her into an instant fan, as evidenced by the video below that documents our performance at the Capitol. The vid was featured on CNN yesterday on the Anderson Cooper 360 show!!

Apparently host Anderson Cooper has become a pretty big fan of the chorus himself, inviting the kids to sing on his show! (We'll have to see if we can work that out before the kids leave P.S.22.) Watch the video below to see him talk about the chorus on his show just the day before the above footage aired.

It was a fun performance, despite the fact that I broke a string on the guitar right before our first song! So several songs became spontaneous a capella renditions, including what actually turned out to be a rather excellent version of "Eye Of The Tiger." You can watch that video below, which was posted to Congressman McMahon's YouTube channel.

So big thanks, to Congressman Michael McMahon for taking the time to arrange this awesome event for both the kids and all who got to see them! Speaking on behalf of the kids, it was truly an incredible day that we will never forget. Enjoy some more pics from the event below.

And finally, here is the screencap of the PS22 Chorus posting from Anderson Cooper's blog.


  1. no extra strings???? you won't leave home with without an extra set of each string again will ya! Thanks for posting all the footage... amazing you can shoot your own stuff at the capital but not some other places ;) ;)

    did you get to tour DC at all or was it all "work"?

  2. lol! behave susan! ;) the kids got a tour of the Capitol and we had a nice picnic on the grounds. it was a great day all in all! :)

  3. yes yes Mr.B-- I shall the a capella version of Eye of the Tiger-- how mean of you to be messing with Jared's mic-- Glad ya'll had a good trip.

    ps-- where are my students to spell check me before I post things with extra words!

  4. it's it's all all good good. ;)

  5. now YOU need to behave~~but I guess I asked for it!

    you should link the version of "Don't Stop" from Congressman McMahon's Youtube as well-- that sounded great!

  6. going to check it out... if you see it on the blog in 5 minutes, you'll know that i agreed with you! :)

  7. so you didn't agree :( you ear is more critical than mine... but I still enjoy it!

  8. Your kids are AMAZING... I know u are proud and I am glad I hooked into your post... I am glad there are teachers like yourself who inspire!.

  9. It was a wonderful day. they were treated like super stars!
    ~H Holness

  10. WOW! Lucky your guitar string broke because that a capella version of Eye Of The tiger was phenomenal! I have been a fan of the chorus since Perez posted one of your videos at the beginning of the school year and just when I think it can't get any more amazing, it does! Congrats to you and the kids on such an amazing year!

  11. Thanks for sharing this link, but unfortunately it seems to be down... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please reply to my post if you do!

    I would appreciate if a staff member here at could post it.


  12. Thanks for sharing this link, but unfortunately it seems to be offline... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please reply to my post if you do!

    I would appreciate if a staff member here at could post it.


  13. Hi James, Unfortunately I have no mirror link. Anyone else can feel free to alert me if they do! :)

  14. Hello,

    I have a message for the webmaster/admin here at

    Can I use some of the information from this post right above if I give a link back to this site?



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-- MGMT. :)

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