Sunday, May 03, 2009

Vive La France!!!

The PS22 Chorus was recently on the front page of Yahoo France, bringing a tremendous influx of new French fans to the group! Merci beaucoup!!!!


  1. Thank you and thank you so much again from Paris !!!

    You can be so proud : its really really AWESOME!!!

  2. Bonjour,
    je m'appelle Laurence, je suis française et je vis à Paris.
    J'ai découvert vos vidéos sur youtube. C'est formidable! Vous mettez la joie dans nos coeurs, j'adore!
    Je vous souhaite de pouvoir continuer et surtout de prendre plaisir quand vous chantez, n'oubliez jamais le plaisir des premiers jours pour garder les pieds sur terre et le sourire aux lèvre.
    Mercide ce que vous faites!

  3. Thanks to I discovered your chorus! It's great, awesome! I have to say that I am a big fan of the song "eye of the tiger"...
    Bonne chance pour la suite!
    Thierry de Paris.

  4. thank you thierry!! i'm so happy you found us! :)

  5. Encore MERCI pour ses quelques notes de bonheur :)

    Et viva la vida :)

  6. Hello!!

    I'm french too and your chorus is really amazing. I'm 16 and I'd love singing like your students!! When I listen your music I'm shivering!! Maybe, someday you'll sing in France!! Godd continuation! . and sorry for my english... = )
    A girl from Normandy =D

  7. thanks to you both! i'm so happy that our videos have reached france! (i visited france several years ago and it's such a beautiful country.) it's an honor to know you're listening.... :)

  8. hello,
    I'm a teacher in France and I discovered your chorus. It's really amazing and my pupils were impressed by the song: "eye" of the tiger" and they want to sing it like you !
    Good continuation

  9. that's awesome! say hello to your students and thank them for us! :)

  10. Hi genius, I'm also a french girl and thanks to Ashton on Twitter i discovered your amazing chorus!
    Beside all awesome voices, i really love the enthousiasm of every single kid! That's fantastic how they are all so into it!
    Thank you for being!!!!!

    Nelly from France.

  11. thanks nelly! happy ashton steered you over here! :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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