Thursday, May 21, 2009

Request Your Perez-ence!

Once again, big thanks to Perez Hilton for posting another one of our videos -- this time, "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac, a special request of his. Right now, it's the second most e-mailed posting on his blog, as you can see at the bottom of the screencap. As his post title says, we do hope Stevie Nicks, the singer/songwriter responsible for this incredibly beautiful and timeless song, will indeed be happy!

Watch the video below, or see both of the kids' versions of the song here.

Already the video has garnered its share of YouTube honors (including the #2 most watched music video today, and the #10 overall most watched video today!!), which you can see below. I will update them until they peak.

Thanks to Perez for this great song request, and for his friendship and continued support.


  1. Beautiful!

    I've listened to it 10 times today. This is the best one yet!

  2. thanks amy! i don't like to play favorites, but yeah, this is well up there....

  3. I cried! I love this song, but the way these kids sing, its even more beautiful than ever! Oh lord, I am still crying as I listen to it for the third time! Beautiful! I am so emotional hearing their lovely voices! You must be so proud of these kids! Bravo!

  4. thanks lisa, happy and proud to hear that the performance moved you to tears.... :)

  5. Mr. B & the PS22 Chorus, thank you so much for sharing your beautiful voices.

    Every day I work with kids who have been abused, neglected, etc. The weight of the work feels too heavy sometimes. Listening to the music from the PS22 Chorus brings a smile to my face and a tear to my eye. AMAZING!

  6. thank you for the important work YOU'RE doing, rain.... :)

  7. Truly inspiring! Do you have mp3's of your newer stuff like this amazing one. The list on the left of your blog seemed to only have older songs, and I love this one and Eye of the Tiger and Viva La Vida and Don't Dream It's Over, etc. I just shared your amazing choir with my blog readers, and I would love to add these songs to my Playlist that plays on my blogs, but I need mp3's for that. Thanks!

  8. i will do my best to make some audio recordings before the year is out, if time permits.... thanks! :)

  9. Wow!U guys are amazing-kids & teacher. i teach in an urban school in Minneapolis, & i know all of u worked soooo hard to be this good. i'm showing Landslide to everyone i know! Kids-u are an inspiration! Teacher-your enthusiasm is infectious. School just got out here, but now i want to go back. Thanks for demonstrating in such a beautiful way that music & art need to be in school!!

  10. Mr. B and the PS22 Chorus,

    I have goosebumps just listening to your music and reading your blog. What amazing, inspiring talent!

    As an artist myself, I know how important it was to always have music and art education in schools. There are so many talented kids that excel in the creative fields, who be left behind and uninspired if these programs were cuts.

    Thank you Mr. B for the work you are doing, and we should all be proud of the kids and teachers like yourselves that are accomplishing great things, with fewer and fewer resources every year.


  11. thank you for echoing my thoughts about the necessity of the arts! i hope we're doing something to remind people of that.

  12. Thank you, students, for the beautiful music! I know you put your whole hearts into every song. Thank you, Mr B, for such inspirational teaching - not only for students, but for other teachers (and school administrators) across the country. Don't stop!

    I'll be watching - I'm a fan now.

  13. that's awesome, brenda, thanks!


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-- MGMT. :)

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