Wednesday, April 01, 2009

The Chorus Lets It Go!

In high school, the Bangles were my absolute favorite group, and I thought this song would be a perfect fit for the chorus. This song, "Let It Go," is off their album DIFFERENT LIGHT, which featured the classic eighties anthems "Walk Like An Egyptian" and "Manic Monday" by Prince. This song is unique in the ladies' discography, as it is the only Bangles song penned by all four members.

I think our favorite fifth graders sound pretty darn good considering it was only their second time rehearsing this live acoustic version.... And yay for Tashee on the solo! Another budding superstar emerges!!


  1. hey mr.b its maya the video is awesome we sound great!!!!

  2. hi maya!! you sound brilliant!! you guys have the midas touch -- anything you sing turns to gold! :)

  3. hey mr.b im impresed that wuz a graet version i loved it we did a greay job nd tashee 2 !!!! =)


  4. hey mr b its joel the video was awsome how come u picked up all the coaches in vietual y except for me and maya and laura

  5. APRIL: you all did a great job on that version! i think it's one of our most fun songs and you guys sing it so well!

    JOEL: i'm so sorry! that was mrs. johnson's fault! :P just kidding! it actually was a misunderstanding. i started writing down the names of the coaches for her to pick up, and then i just told her to forget the list, and just ask for all the fifth grade coaches, but i don't think she heard or understood me! i hope you forgive me! (and mrs. johnson!)

  6. Hey Mr.B!!!! WOOOWWWW!!!!!!! It's been a long time since we have spoken to you in a VERY LONG TIME!!!! How is everything going over there? Well, we just wanted to say hi to see how it's going, so HHHHIIIII=D!!!!!! Hope to see you soon!!!!!!!!!!
    TWINNIES!!!=D =]

  7. wow!! how are my favorite dynamic duo?!?! i hope you two are doing well in school and still singing away in PA!!! hope you can indeed visit soon! miss you guys! oh and please say hello to everybody for me! :)

  8. I found your video from the Bangles' official website! Very cool :) Glad to see you bringing the Bangles to the next generation!

  9. Mr B these children with your direction = Inspiration. Bangles music is great choice.
    Matt 53 yo Veteran


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-- MGMT. :)

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