Sunday, April 26, 2009


It seems like all I do lately is shout out props to the chorus kids, but heck, they've done it again!! Thanks to the major recognition the chorus received this weekend (with the help of our good friend Perez Hilton and new celeb-friends Ashton Kutcher and Rob Vyrdeck), as of today there have been over over 3,000,000 PS22 Chorus video viewings on the internet!

Special thanks to Ms. Lisa for always capturing the kids on film so beautifully! We're lucky to have you!!!


  1. hi there! we're linked up with you too over in seattle at our morning radio show. you have big fans at THE MARTY RIEMER SHOW, both on our website and our facebook page!

  2. You do deserve 3 million views!!!!! The kids are amazing... the best I ever heard!!!! and you must be very proud!!
    Celeste; from Brasil

  3. Your chorus is fabulous! Thank you so much for sharing these videos with us. They are truly inspiring. Keep up the GREAT work!

  4. I watch/listen to your videos at least 5 times a day and can't get enough of you guys! My favorites are Viva la Vida (how I found you through Coldplay's newsletter) and 1000 Oceans. I sure wish I had Mr. B. as my public school teacher when I was younger.

    Your harmonizations are great. I'm a former amateur classical musician, and you kids are wonderful, better than most singers older/more "trained" than you. Mr. B's spirit is infectious and he's quite a catch himself!

  5. I have just spent the last hours watching your videos on You Tube. You guys are truely awesome! Your group brings tears to my eyes, there is so much power in music. Mr. B you are truely a blessing to these kids and PS22.

    Peace and God Bless!

  6. Thanks to you all for all the kind words and show of support for what you're doing! Reading comments like yours is thoroughly inspiring for me, and I'm sure the kids will agree....

    And thanks to our 'big fans' at The Marty Riemer Show! That's awesome!! :)

  7. The kids are beautiful and they are lucky to have such an amazing music teacher. I am moved and inspired by your work.

  8. I took that picture im so prud !!!

  9. for that, and countless other reasons, you OUGHT to be!! :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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