Saturday, March 21, 2009

And The Winner Is....

Congratulations to the PS22 Chorus of 2009 for winning Schooltube's Best Video in the Elementary category!!! This is a superb accomplishment for the kids' extraordinary performance of "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay! April wears the medal proudly, as she should, for her beautiful soloing in the video! Well done, kiddos!


  1. heyy mr.b i luv the pics nd the vid 2 nd ur right i am proud of wearing that wenever i wear it nd i will alaways remeba the chorus 2 !!!:)


  2. i also luv the title 2 =)!!! i luv all the titles it makes it seem soo interesting i guess thats the point !!!! :)


  3. I think it says a lot about you that after every time I read one of your comments, I always feel appreciated and proud! You're one of a kind! Thank you April, and congrats again on the award!! :)

  4. thanx alot!!!! :)


  5. Congratulations on your award. I just discovered PS22 Chorus this morning and you've made my day. Your voices have been in my head ALL DAY!!!! Thanks for the joy. Maureen from Schenectady

  6. thank you maureen, happy to receive your message! :)

  7. hey!!i know itz a little late but congrats we rock!!!gooooooooooo aprilll!!!!!!!!!!and chorusss

    love bahira~


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-- MGMT. :)

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