Thursday, February 12, 2009

On The Radio!!

(Click on the pink play button above to listen to the interview)

Yesterday, the PS22 Chorus celebrated yet another milestone! At about 1:15 PM, I was interviewed by Chris Evans on his weekday radio show on The BBC (which, according to reliable sources,attracts a listening audience of over 5,000,000 people daily) about the incredible accomplishments of the PS22 Chorus! Chorus members Mariah and Joseph even got to give a shout out to the U.K. too!

But most significantly, it was the first time ever that the PS22 Chorus were heard on a major radio station. They played the chorus singing it's version of "Everybody's Changing" by Keane, and the kids sounded PERFECT!! The response so far that we've received has been simply overwhelming! Stay tuned for a link or an mp3 of the radio interview -- coming soon!


  1. heyy this is april i cant beleive it that we made it this far thats sooo amazing that we were perfect !!!!!!!!!=)

  2. perfect for sure, april!! :) and i'm the proudest music teacher ever!

  3. Congrats!! This is great news! I'm happy for all of you! :)

    - Veronica

  4. Holy smokes! I just found and saw one of your youtube videos and came right over here. All kids should be so lucky to have a teacher as inspirational and excited as you are. Wow! Look at all those lives you have your class and outside too.

    Wow! I'm so inspired and full of hope. Wow.

  5. yeah, they tend to have that effect on everybody, including their teacher! thanks anom! :)

  6. you should b =)!!!


  7. true enough!! i'm gonna miss you guys over the vacation.... hope you enjoy it! (i am, i'm sitting on the balcony of my folks' apartment in Puerto Rico! it's beautiful here!!

    oh, by the way, your voice is getting SOOOOOO much better! you were nothing less than brilliant today on viva! :)

  8. thankz soo much i really appreciate it and my voice does feel better now 2 hope u have a good time enjoy!!!=)


  9. thanks, buddy! rest up and enjoy! you deserve it!!

  10. hey spitter B. The 5th grade chorus sounds AMAZING!
    Tell teirza i said she is amazing.

    - Ambuh

  11. aww, thanks ambuh!! miss ya, and hopefully tirzah will see your comment herself!! :) also hope you're enjoying the vacation!!

  12. hey mr.b it it maya that awesome news!!!! i really miss school and chorus.see ya next week!!!!!!=)

  13. hi maya! hope you're enjoying the break!! miss you too!!!! :) and congrats about making it on the radio!! :)

  14. This chorus is brilliant, great job. Im really interested in singing, so does anyone know a place thats atleast as close as good as you guys? Im really jealous, and want to be a good singer, and it stinks that im too old for this. (im 14)

  15. thanks so much for your kindness! i wish you luck on your quest for an outlet for your singing!! there should be a ps22 chorus EVERYWHERE!! :)

  16. does it only go up to 5th grade?

  17. i have so many questions ha! Mr B do u have an email?

  18. yes, our school only goes up to fifth grade. i do have an e-mail address which you can get to on the blog. however, right now i'm on vacation, and am way behind on my e-mails. i do my best to get back to everybody, but sometimes mail slips through the cracks. the most reliable way of getting a response from me is by leaving a comment on the blog.

  19. Amazing work you guys are doing here. The music's great!!

  20. OOOMMMMGGG!!!!=) THAT WUZ SOO KOOL hearin us ON THE RADIO iam so excited idk if we were perfect or not but i think we were i heard the harmony nd the melody 2 that wuz juss amazin hearin the interview wit mariah nd jospeh that wuz nice i lik how they did lik a lil remix wit us first nd the real band next

    april =P =D =) !!!!

  21. i'm so happy you heard the interview april!! and yes, SOOOO COOL!!!!!! you better believe you sounded perfect!! doesn't get much better than that!! :)

    oh...yeah thanks Ambuh for the comment

  23. yeps!! congrats tirzah!!!! good to see you on the blog!! :)

  24. hey Mr.B thanks for writing back last night. your also...thanks for all the effort you put in for the chorus thanks!!!!!!!:p)

  25. and that thank you goes double to you from me! :) i can't wait until the math test is over, so we can really work some more with that amazing voice of yours!! have a great weekend! :)

  26. there a way you can get a copy of the radio interview

  27. i told you guys today during chorus practice what to do, remember??? :)

  28. hey mr.b ummm wat is the title of the new song we learned again

    (by the way its april.p)

  29. hii mr.b its natalie from last year i am so so proud of this years chorus they sound so good i cant wait to see u hopefully soon!!

  30. Hi Natalie,

    Thanks so much for the message!! Miss you lots!!! And hoping you will indeed come to say hello soon!! :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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