Sunday, December 14, 2008

Mumbai Memorial Ceremony

On Thursday, December 10th, PS22 Chorus member Alexandra sang a beautiful solo version of "Let There Be Peace On Earth" for a ceremony sponsored by Staten Island Borough President James Molinaro (pictured above with Allie), honoring the victims of the Mumbai attacks in India. The ceremony, including Allie's magnificent performance will be aired on CTV (Staten Island Cable Channel 34, 35, or 57) at some point in the near future. Stay tuned!



  1. hi mr.b,
    my dad filled out the permission slip for wedsday, but i lost it :(.
    so i went on miscroft word and printed out a paer that said:
    my child will be back to school at 6:00 for the holiday choral concert.
    my child will be picked up by..... at hte end of the concert
    i can be rached at this number incase of emergency.............
    parent signiture.........

    hope thats ok :).i just want to let you know that (if its ok with you) ill have this back by tommorow!
    write back soon!

  2. thanks for taking the time to do that. that will be fine. :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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