Monday, December 15, 2008


The day has come!! As of this evening, The PS22 Chorus has received over 2,000,000 hits on their videos worldwide!!!! The latest influx of viewers can be attributed to Perez Hilton spotlighting our chorus yet again!! And this time, it wasn't even a Tori Amos song! This time it was "White Christmas", which was featured on our previous post! It is indeed an honor to have Perez as a bonafide PS22 Chorus fan, and we sincerely appreciate him spreading the word about our amazing kids!

With a "Perez bump" always comes a series of honors for the chorus, and today is no exception. The "White Christmas" video is already almost up to 100,000 hits and the kids' video channel was the #3 most viewed musician's channel today! Click on the pics below to see more.

The PS22 Chorus YouTube channel honors

Honors for our new "White Christmas" video


  1. well done!! You and the kids are doing a fantastic job!
    If you ever get around to it, maybe you should try "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen, I bet you could make a really spine-tingling chorus version of that a la Rufus Wainwright!

  2. wow.
    i personally LOVED the song =]

  3. hey Mr. B =]
    You probably dont remember me but my name is Rebecca Boljonis & I went to PS22 back in like 2003. I just recently saw one of the chorus videos on Perezhilton. I just wanted to tell you you're still doing an AMAZING job with all the kids. Are you guys putting on any shows soon? i would love to come & watch one.


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-- MGMT. :)

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