Thursday, December 04, 2008

OK Cable!!

Congratulations to the PS22 Chorus of 2009 for a brilliant performance yesterday at The Time Warner Cable Holiday Choral Concerts. The chorus performed five selections and was truly in top form.

Tonight, Staten Islanders will get to see a 10 second sneak preview of all the participating schools on Channel 76 (Time Warner Cable only), and tomorrow the complete performances will be available On Demand, Channel 1111 (again, Time Warner Cable only.) Below are more pics from the filming.

Altos singing their hearts out!
Tirzah sings "One Day"
Marcel feeling it!
Leah too!
Sopranos looking good!
Lobna and Moona are all smiles! Mrs. Donath (principal) very proud!
Joey, Maya, and Diggy (Davon)
Pepsi (Giuseppe) & Tariq celebrating a job well done!


  1. telling from these pic and my prior knowledge i`d say u did an i dunno... AWESOME job! lol srry i havent been visiting promise i will! good job ur all da best!
    ashley b

  2. hey,
    i just listened to the song and i am drinking tea

  3. ASHLEY: I'll only forgive you if you visit soonly!!!! :) And thanks for being so supportive of the new group!!

    ALLIE: Good girl!! How's that note doing???? ;)

  4. the notes doing good!!
    iv been practicing since igot home and its coming good!!

  5. you're awesome, allie! and you guys looked great on the Cable sneak preview! SOOO great! :)


  7. the shots came out great! as did the performance. hope you got to see it!! you sounded brilliant!!!! i just watched the show with my parents last night, and my mother LOVED your soloing! my dad too of course, but my mom is the one who has an ear for music.

    you just keep getting better and better!


  8. hey its natie me and ashley are wondering when is the holiday show cause we gonna give the money to johelle and i will comment more but 6th grade is a little annoying i must say i miss u!

  9. hey natie! i miss you too, buddy!! so happy you and ashley might come to the show!! the show's on December 17th -- hope to see you guys! :) sorry to hear sixth grade is annoying! lotsa work, eh??

  10. thanks mr.b so much,i really appreciate it and yes i did see it actually !!!!! i cant believe that ur mom is in love wit my voice & performance!!!!

    APRIL .P

  11. hey mr.b great job once i seen the pics i went on to channel 1111 and watched u guys.They r amazing even my mom wuz shocked.Talk to u later

    from:james m

    PS:see u at the show maybe im not sure yet but ill tell my mom

  12. hey james!! miss ya buddy! so happy to hear you may be coming to the concert! thanks for all the kind words about the new group. you're a class act, mister.


  13. Hey spitter b its ambuh i LUV the new chorus shirts. tell every body i said HI EVERY BODY
    sad ambuh
    still sad

  14. i will pass the word along sad ambuh. and you know what, i can't even argue with you about the "sad ambuh" thing, cuz I MISS YOU TOO!!!

  15. ya alot of work and we arecoming ash gave the money soo yayyy! cant wait to see u this wensday! that is so werid cause my b-day is the next day lol cant wAIT bye!:]

  16. hi mr.b my mom got me a digital camera for my b-day i am bringing it on sunday

  17. That's great, Moona! What an awesome present!! I'll be wishing you a happy b-day on Tuesday, but so happy you're coming on Sunday! :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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