Monday, November 17, 2008

These Perez-cious Things....

CONGRATULATIONS are definitely in order for the PS22 Chorus of 2009!!! The kids' new version of "1000 OCEANS" by Tori Amos has become the #1 most viewed PS22 Chorus video of all-time!! It even beat out the video of the kids singing for Tori herself! It has earned over 135,000 views in the past 3 days alone!It's been a tremendous weekend for the chorus thanks to the Perez Hilton bump!! Our gratitude goes out to Perez for continually presenting our kids to his huge following, and earning us an exorbitant number of new PS22 Chorus fans!

To highlight only some of this weekend's unprecedented accomplishments:

* Perez Hilton posts our new video of 1000 Oceans to an overwhelmingly numerous and uniformly positive response!!

* The PS22 Chorus video was the most e-mailed posting off of Perez's site this entire weekend!!

* The PS22 Chorus YouTube Channel becomes the #1 most viewed Musicians channel, again, for the entire weekend!!

* Within 3 days of its initial posting, the PS22 Chorus video of 1000 Oceans earns 135,000 views and becomes the #1 PS22 Chorus video of all-time!!

* 1000 Oceans becomes one of the 10 Top-Favorited Music Videos on YouTube on Sunday!

* With the latest surge, PS22 Chorus videos now have received over 1,750,000 hits world-wide, and counting!!!

* The PS22 Chorus version of 1000 Oceans has received more views in the last 3 days than even Tori's original video of the song on YouTube!

It's been an amazing ride so far, and it's only November! The sky is the limit with this new group!!!


  1. Congrats!!! You guys deserve all of the attention that you're getting. The fact that it's only November just goes to show how talented you all are, can't wait to see what the future holds!

    Wishing you well from the Bronx :)

  2. Thanks, that makes two of us! shout out to the bronx! :)

  3. I agree!! Many congrats and kudos to an amazing young choir. This site is now one of my very favorites. Thanks for being such an inspiration PS22 Chorus!!

    I showed off 1,000 Oceans at my office today - not a dry eye. The spirit of the children is palpable.

    Many humble thank you's and wishes of much luck in the coming months!!
    Lauren from New Haven, CT

  4. your work story made me smile. :) i'm reading all these comments to the kids tomorrow during rehearsal so they can enjoy them as much as i have. thank you so very much! :)

  5. perez thas like we diid last year!! im very proud i could cry!!!love the song keep singing!
    ashley b
    ps. mr.b u r doin a perfect job wit them three cheers for u!

  6. man, ashley, reading your comment message really made me miss you even more! you are the shweetiest shweety of all! :)

  7. I just want to say that I'm from the U.K. and I have never, ever heard anything quite like you guys!!
    Your have the most amazing teacher, one that you will always remember.
    You have reached the hearts of the U.K. (I mentioned you to my hairdresser today and she said she loved you too!!).
    Please keep up the amazing work, you lifted my spirits the first day I heard you sing. Someone needs to bottle you and sell you as happy potion, you bring an instant smile to so many faces!!

    If I can be cheeky and make a request I would love to hear you sing "Yes" by McAlmont and Butler. I think you guys could do it better than the original!!!

  8. Thanks for posting your message for the kids to see! :) And I honestly don't know the song, but we'll see what we can do about your request... :)

  9. i saw this video on perez a few days ago and i've honestly probably watched it 25 times already. i put a link to it in my facebook status, so i could share it with everyone i know.
    i have never been so moved by a song. these kids are unbelievable and you are an inspirational teacher. it is obvious that you truly care about making a difference.
    i really hope you make this into an mp3!
    thank you again for sharing this with the world.

  10. Well then, thank you 25 times! :) working on the mp3 as we speak. might be ready by the weekend...

  11. PS22 Chorus rocks!!!!!! Love the Bjork song you did.. i also love all the tori amos' songs you guys sang!!! Please please please can you guys sing I've seen it all by Bjork (OST - Dancer in the Dark, i think) and A sorta fairytale by Tori Amos?! :) I love those songs!!! Also, do consider singing the song Breathless by Dan Wilson.. :) I'm a big fan here all the way from down under!!!!

  12. I'll see what I can do about your requests -- I've Seen It All is one of my favorites too. :) Thanks for your kindness!


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-- MGMT. :)

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