Saturday, November 08, 2008

It Happened "One Day"....

It indeed happened "one day", yesterday in fact, that we got a visit from friend of the PS22 Chorus, Martin Stepanek. Martin is a journalist from Austria who wrote a story about the chorus after we sang with Tori Amos in May of 2007. He also did an amazing interview with Tori Amos, in which he discussed in good detail with Tori her feelings about her PS22 Chorus experience.

Today, Martin came to get a first-hand listen to the kids he helped promote all over Europe and the U.S. with his fantastic coverage of the chorus. We sang several of the songs in our repertoire together for our special guest, who was "at a loss for words" at hearing the chorus firsthand. He even took the time to interview some of the kids in the chorus for perhaps a future article about our local international celebrities!

Here are the kids singing an amazing rendition of "One Day" by Bjork. At the and of the video is a little piece of a song we learned at our last practice in honor of Martin's visit. Martin also is a huge Tori Amos fan so the last little piece of the video is a song called "1000 Oceans" by Tori herself. It was pretty astounding, to both Martin and myself, how the kids remembered it so well on their first and only attempt after just 1 practice.


  1. i wish i was there!what was samantha singing?

  2. i wish you were too. samantha was singing the solo for bleak mid-winter. and she sounded phenomenal!

  3. Dear Mr. B and amazing kids,

    Thank you so much for letting me sneak in at your rehearsal and be your guest. You are so talented and gifted. Each and every one of you!!!

    I still can't believe you did A 1000 Oceans for me! Wow! I will treasure that in my heart :)))

    Take good care,
    all the best from Austria, Europe,

  4. Thanks Martin!

    All the kids and I enjoyed your visit just as much as you did! Happy to hear you enjoyed your dedication!! Thanks for going out of your way to come visit us during your stay in the US, and I have no doubt we'll definitely be in touch.


  5. wowo mr.b that was awesome! hope your vivit went well. i really feel like i kno about all of ur songs so far with u posting them up and joel singing them all the time!!! best of luck mr.b see ya im tryin so hard to try and see ya.
    Ashley b

  6. hoping that day will come soon! miss you mucho!! :)

  7. when did u start learning spanish??
    ashley b

  8. wat????
    SORRY NO COMPRENDO DONT KNO IF i spelled that right lol
    ashley b

  9. oooooooooooooooo u were 12??? jk jk sryy lol
    ashley b

  10. ok, now that's just evil, you!!


  11. sorry its just the way i am... jk!
    ashley b

  12. when does 22 have the half day? when they do i might come by :)
    ashley b

  13. next thursday i think.... ask your cuz to be sure. :)

  14. you rock 5 grade chorus!:))) baabalicious

  15. That's cuz YOU'RE in it, Baabalicious!! :)

  16. hey mr.b I do rock don't I.:) baabalicious


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-- MGMT. :)

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