Saturday, October 25, 2008

PS22 Chorus Featured On SchoolTube Home Page!!

The PS22 Chorus is currently being featured as an "MVP Spotlight Video" on the home page of, a new YouTube-like website for students and teachers. I highly recommend you take a visit on down and see for yourself. Make sure once you're there to do a search for "PS22 Chorus" to see all of our posted videos.

If you're arriving at this post late ( updates its featured videos regularly), you can click on the pic below, and follow the red arrow to see the PS22 Chorus video that is currently being featured (at the time of this post).

Here's one of our new videos on Schooltube.


  1. well according to the video, i most wholeheartedly agree....

  2. sup mr.b joel and ashley b love the video keep it up! awesome songs awesomes soloist! see u on tuesday from joel. love ya from ashley b aka ur shweetie

  3. hey mr.b april again !!!!.like the pic wit joel and baaba,also what up wit the pic at the end of the page, i could tell who is who ,but why does it look blury, and when was dat pic taken anyway?. was it taken when i was there? or not, or on wednesday?? oh yea i got ur message that u wrote back 2 me.sorry i didnt get 2 write back.

  4. heyy mr.b its april.p again i went on scool tube and i saw that the video the chorus did this year viva la vida had the most views and i felt so proud of the chorus and myself. i wanted 2 know how come u put in the bleak midwinter and u didnt put one day 2 ????


    glad you enjoyed the vid, guys! :) joel is sounding really great, hopefully we'll get him soloing soon. and i miss my shweetie, ashley!!! :)


    the pic on the bottom is one we took that day after school when we modeled the shirts. i just kinda played around with it a bit to make it look more 'artistic'. you were indeed there at the time.....

    yes and congrats on "viva la vida" being our most watched video on so far.... you should be proud indeed!! and by the way, "one day" IS on schooltube. look again.... :)

  6. i am currently studying to be a teacher and let me just tell you... it is truly inspiring how you have gotten these students so into this music. you have done a great job as a teacher and the students have done an AMAZING JOB SINGING! keep up the good work.

    - Boston, Mass.

    ps. you were on you will get a lot of media attention now and you deserve it!

  7. hey watz up mr.b its davoya. omg your chorus is sooooo good but not as good as we use to be of course. u might know im not up north any more i moved down south anyaways ill be back up there to visit you before school is out. i luv you. i think i wrote you enough so ill see you this summer.buh byyyyy.

  8. hey davoya!! wow!! so great to hear from you!! it's been great seeing you and the gang on electric company -- you did such a great job!!! i miss you so much, and am so happy there will be a visit to look forward to!! :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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