Saturday, October 04, 2008

A New Sound, A New Look!

The new 2009 Chorus shirts are in, and the kids are looking sharp! Below are some photos to introduce you to some of the new chorus members, sporting this year's new look!


  1. hi mr.b it is maya grate pics of us.the shirts were so awsome.from maya

  2. Great pics indeed! The shirts look excellent, and you guys wear them well!! :)

  3. heyy mr.b, this is april p. again that picture actully came out good and so did the video 2 .ur WELCOME !!!!!!

  4. hey april! you did a great job on the song and the pics also look fantastic! congrats!! :)

  5. Mr. B, u r absolutely amazing, your rapport with the kids, your piano skills, your choice in music (Tori AND Crowded House!?). I would luv to trade jobs with u. If you ever come to Cali, please lemme know.

  6. thanks miles! job trade tho is completely out of the question... :)

  7. I had my moment of Zen this morning listening to this! Again, awesome work. I love the mic effect on "Favorite Things."

    I hope your kids live their life like this always, unafraid to sing and get into the groove of life. It's pure joy!

  8. thanks mel, i have the same hopes for these amazing kids. as always, i appreciate all your kindness....

  9. i wish i was in vy!!!!!!! but mom only works 2 days a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. omg these guys are replacing us!!!i will miss performing w/ my friends.from Kayla gillis

  11. hey kayla! let's make one thing clear -- NObody can replace you guys!! they're just continuing the tradition of greatness that you guys established.... miss ya buddy! :)

    I luv the way the new fifth grade chorus sounds.Looks like there givin us a run 4 our money.oh yah i cant wait 2 hear how the 4th greade chorus sounds. :)

    - sad ambuh :(

  13. thanks sad ambuh! but as i told kayla, just like beyonce says, you guys are irreplaceable.... :) happy ambuh?

  14. when is the holiday show???

  15. around the middle-end of december.... no exact date yet. :)

  16. hi Mr.B it is Erica,even though I wasn't there when you guys took great pics and recorded a video,I bet you guys still sang AMAZING!

  17. next time make sure you're there, silly! ;)

  18. hey mr.b i know i havent went to the school yet but im still waiting for an answer so i can go there after school, i get out at 1:30 i also love that song one day it almost mad me mad me think of when i was in p.s.22.


  19. hey aminah! so good to hear from you!! thanks for that nice comment about "one day". (i love that song....) anyway, i miss you so much, and will be looking forward to that visit! hope you're enjoying intermediate school....

  20. well not really, i want to go back p.s.22 i love that school, dont you remember the face.also hows the chorus doing ,learning any new songs.

    p.s. are u still in ms.lapumas room


  21. hey aminah, so sorry to hear that intermediate school's not trying you right! give it time. it takes a while to adjust sometimes.

    OF COURSE i remember the face!! i miss it!!!!!!!!!!! the end of my day will never be the same!!! but yes, i'm still with miss lipuma. she's teaching 5th grade now, don't know if you knew that....

    anyway, i REALLY miss you so much!!! say hello to your awesome family, and come visit whenever you get a chance. :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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