Sunday, July 13, 2008

Now and BEN!

PS22 Chorus legend Ben returned for a visit the last week of school, and I was fortunate enough to have the trusty video camera along to record him singing a little piece of "Lord I Give You My Heart", by Michael W. Smith. Ben does an AMAZING job, needless to say. His piano skills are extremely impressive, considering he's only taught himself how to play in the last couple of years. Ben's a major talent, and we see a bright future ahead of him.

Ben sings, "Lord I Give You My Heart" by Michael W. Smith

Here are some other classic PS22 BEN performances, including his rendition of Kirk Franklin's "Now Behold The Lamb" which has scored over 56,000 hits over the internet!

Ben with the PS22 Chorus of 2005, "Now Behold The Lamb" by Kirk Franklin

Ben taught me this spiritual, "Step By Step", which we incorporated into PS22's Martian musical, True Colors

Ben sings his a capella version of "Not Guilty" by John P. Kee for our second American Idol competition

And here is an updated version of the same song when Ben came to chill before this year's Holiday Choral Concert

A short but sweet rendition of Go Tell It On The Mountain


  1. HEY Mr.b its your right hand man.I am going to give you my moms e-mail.It is also had another question for you did you open my gift I gave you?If you did open it I bought the same necklace as you so we could be friends forever.


  2. yeah, right hand! that was an incredibly thoughtful gift, james, thanks! and actually, i liked the card just as much!


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-- MGMT. :)

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