Thursday, June 26, 2008

"And We're Laughing And We're Weeping..."

It was a difficult goodbye as the chorus of 2008 met for the last time today. Reflecting on the good times and the incredible accomplishments made for an emotional farewell. For all you PS22 Chorus fans, have no fear -- there are more videos and mp3s to come of these guys, and even some exciting news about something we'll be revealing shortly. (I'm presently going through a ton of pics and video footage to prepare for the announcement -- and it's big).

As proof that I'm a man of my word, here is a little gem to add to the collection. Last week, former student, PS22 legend Steven, star of PS22's award-winning 2002 September 11th Docu-drama, The Conference, came back to revisit his roots, AND brought along his saxophone! He literally blew us away with his amazing playing! Here he is accompanying the chorus and me (yes Dante, I know, "Mr. Walking-Bad-Hair-Day") on an unbelievable version of "Time" by Tom Waits, covered by Tori Amos, friend to the chorus. Tori inspired the usage of this song in our film when she performed the song only a few days after 9/11/2001 on The David Letterman Show. It was one of the most poignant live performances and is etched in my memory. So it was a special moment having the lead actor from our September 11th film playing along on this particular song with the chorus. AND Angela & Isaac never sounded better!

I promise there are more great videos like this one to come. So no worries for the growing PS22 Chorus following. But in all honesty, this post isn't really for the fans.

This post is for my chorus.....

Guys. We spoke. You know how proud you have made me this year, but I'll say it again anyway. Through all yor hard work, dedication, and love of music, you've truly made an impact on the world. So now you're moving on, and yes, we're all a bit sick about it. Change and endings are two of the scariest and toughest things we all have to deal with in life. But just remember, you have earned yourselves some incredibly memories, and those accomplishments are yours for all time -- they are there to fall back on when life gets tough, as I know you understand that it does sometimes. Bigger and better things await all of you, whatever you strive for in life. Now you know firsthand that amazing things can happen when you are dedicated. You plugged your hearts and souls into this positive musical outlet, and your electricity continues to light up faces all over the world. Your humanity is as extraordinary as your music, and that's why you have achieved such unbelievable successes this year. I have no doubt you will continue to make me proud, no matter what you want to be in life. Just remember as Angela sings, "If you can't find a direction, just stick to your own path. And take it far -- as far as 'far' can go." You've come SO far. And I have every confidence you will take it all the way.

All my love and respect,
Mr. B

PS If you don't keep in touch, take everything I said above and replace it with, "You stink." :)


  1. I love listening to you sing PS22. I am a big fan. I have been quiet till now. I am so amazed at Mr. B and his talent. He reminds me of my music teacher I had. Those are keepers in the heart. Teachers like Mr. B don't come around very often. Your so lucky. Remember him and make him proud. Your AWESOME all of you. I am keeping my EYE and ears open for you in the future, don't make me wait too long. XOXO

    Mr. B. Your amazing. My goodness you got to meet TORI AMOS. I had to watch your meeting with her a least 500 times. It was awesome. The kids sounded so great that day. The vocals in that building gives me goosbumps. The kids singing. Oh my gosh. You made Tori weep. You are so blessed. Thank you so much for teaching them TORI and thank you for being just so awesome to those kids. Your going to inspire and I am sure HAVE DONE so already. Keep going. Bravo!!XOXO

  2. Thanks Annie for your extremely kind message. I really appreciate all you say about the kids and me. They are indeed extraordinary and certainly have done me proud. And yes, singing for Tori, wow. I still can't believe that really happened sometimes. (Thank heaven for video cameras!) I have been blessed a thousand times over, but that day was quite literally the dream-come-true moment of my life. Glad you could share in that moment and more, and again, I thank you for your kindness!


  3. Well thanks a whole lot Mr. b! Here I thought my crying had come to an end yesterday and now I get to start all over again ready your heartfelt goodbye to these amazing kids. To put it simply, you're not my favorite person right now, lol. If I didn't love you so much I would truly be mad!!! Thanks to you for an unforgetable year. Thank you even more to the chorus for many many incredible memories that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Love you ALL and I cannot wait to see what comes from you next. I will most certainly stay tuned.

    Love you guys!!

    Miss Lisa

  4. i miss u so much mr.b i was talkin to patrick jarred and natalie on the phone and we were all bout to cry we miss u so much even patrick said on the first day of skool we`re gonna visit u we luv u!!!!!

  5. sorry lisa, but you should know me well enough by now to know that it is one of my greatest pleasures to make people cry! >:) i know, i'm evil. seriously, thanks for all you did this year! the kids, jeanne, and i were all fortunate to have you around.

    ashley, i miss you guys like crazy. no joke. but you know we'll be keeping in touch! and you BETTER visit! no joke! i meant every word i wrote to you guys in the post, and you particularly know how proud i am of you.... NO JOKE!!! :)

  6. im cryin y r u doin this!? :( i just wanna go back

  7. i miss you sooooooo much.why do you
    have to make us cry?i was talking to ashley blass tody on the phone today and she kept making crying sounds and she started to make me tear up.i am going to miss you sooooooooo much this summer.have a great1
    sad Ambuh

  8. hey ashley and ambuh,

    looks like miss lisa has incited a post-graduation revolt against me!! sorry to make you guys cry, but i can't help but tell you guys how proud you've made me this year. but don't just be all sad and stuff! leave chorus feeling inspired to continue on to achieve an even higher level of success. all great times become great memories, and we'll always have 'em! also, you guys will keep in touch! AND we have something big to look forward to in january, right?? :)

  9. yep!!! im lookin forward to that i will probablly cry when i watch that 2 lol

  10. yah your right.:)
    but im still going 2 cry:(~

    sad ambah

  11. no sad ambuh, happy ambuh! AMBUH!!!! (mr. b)

  12. ok.
    but no promises.

    fealing a little better

  13. yay, a little better is good! c'mon, smile you! :)

  14. another fantastic year has come to an end!! the ps22 chorus did not disappoint!! you guys were great this year! can't wait for next year!! gregg, i better hear from you soon....NO JOKE!!! :)ttyl

    Northern Lad-- Justin

  15. thanks justin, the up and coming group won't disappoint. i have no doubt. :)

  16. i'm sure they won't! with a talented teacher like you, they'll be in tip-top shape!!

  17. I am sad your year is over but already looking forward to next year. I live in Dallas and work at a public school there. I WISH we had a music program like yours. You are the number one site on my computer. Your voices have got me through many hard days! Big Texas love to all of you! Love, Mrs. O

  18. Thanks Mrs. O!! That makes me very happy to hear, and I know just how you feel! Thanks for leaving the message so that the kids could see it. :)

  19. Whats up Mr.B it's your right hand man.This was really was a great year and I know and you know the Eletric Company was COOOOOOOL!You always make people cry and the chorus knew.What else was cool was you got a comment from a teacher in Dallas,Texas.I really do miss you.


    PS:I will send you my moms E-Mail address later.

  20. i know, i'm evil. >:) but, yeah, i miss you guys too, and it's only been a week! but at least we have all these great videos to keep all of the amazing memories we made fresh! :)

  21. my mom said i could visit on the first day of school.and when ever i i guess ill be seeing u
    every day

    sad ambuh

  22. no sad ambuh then, happy ambuh! :) mr. b happy to know he will see happy ambuh! :)

  23. WOW!! I just read your good-bye. I don't know the kids nor do I know you but it nearly brought me to tears. I hope that you can keep in touch with these kids (and all of your kids from all of the years) for their sake as you clearly have had quite an impact on them. My students just asked me this week when I was going to have kids of my own... I said I don't need any of my own right now... I have you to take care of... that is clearly how you view your role as well.
    No wonder you get what you do from these kids. Something tells me you will be working with kids for a VERY long time... and they will ALL be better off having known you.

  24. Thanks Suz! From the comments you leave, I can tell how lucky your students are to have YOU! Very much appreciated as usual.... :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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