Sunday, May 18, 2008

Here and "There"

Here is a great version of the chorus singing the beautiful song, "There", by the Innocence Mission. We WON'T mention why Michael has an ear to ear grin on his face. Safe to say it wasn't laughing gas. However, it is also safe to say Ashleigh was definitely shooing away some kind of mysterious gas coming her way....


  1. hey mr.b i think we did a great job at this song even though we havent practiced that song in a long time. but i mean y wouldnt we sound great we`re the ps22chorus!!!(: P.S i know ur doin alot right now but i just wanted to know when ur gonna put the american idol videos on the website?? i cant belive we`re graduating i dont wanna leave the chorus!!!!Ashley530

  2. i agree with everything you said! but you guys will visit, stay in touch, and have the website to come back to. and i know you will. patience with the idol vids. i'm working on 'em....


  3. kk spitter b sry

  4. don't be sorry. i'll get even. just practice for idol!! i'm sending you the link to your practice mp3 to the e-mail address you gave me for the revlon event. let me know when you get it.


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-- MGMT. :)

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