Thursday, May 01, 2008

"The Most Hopeful Sound On Earth" Crowded House Performs with the PS22 Chorus!!

The big night!

Okay, way too tired to post about the excitement we had tonight..... Here's a little something to whet your appetite until I complete this post tomorrow. I promise there will be some more amazing pics and videos, including some highlights from the soundcheck. What an extraordinary day for everybody. And I've decided Crowded House, being the coolest and most down to earth band, have the absolute coolest fans! Thanks to the band and their fans for making the chorus feel like the stars of the show!

Crowded House with the PS22 Chorus -- Throw Your Arms Around Me

Crowded House with the PS22 Chorus -- An impromptu Private Universe!

PS22 Chorus opening -- Put A Little Love In Your Heart


  1. It was such a joy having you there, and you inspired the band to give the best performance I've seen in my life. Keep up the wonderful work you're doing!

  2. High praise indeed! Many thanks, it was the most amazing concert we've ever had the pleasure of being part of. But I imagine that goes without saying.....

    I appreciate the comment!


  3. I've been going to concerts for more than forty years, and last night was one of the greatest experiences that I've ever had at a show. You and the kids made it a really special night. It was obvious that Neil and the band were thrilled to have you there, and so were we. Keep up the great work, and give our thanks to the chorus members for a very special night.

  4. Welcome to the Crowded House "family". They are such an inspiring band but are also still capable of being inspired. Best wishes for a future full of such moments.

  5. Hi guys, you all sang so well! What a really great start to a fun concert.

    It was very impressive to see so many young people channeling their energy in a wonderful performance.

    How did you come upon Crowded House and Hunters & Collectors? You chose some great songs!

    I hope you all had as much fun as we did!

  6. I am so happy I had the good fortune to be there last night for such an inspiring experience. Wow! Congratulations to you and your chorus!

  7. As a native Staten Islander (PS 30) it was a thrill to see something so wonderful come out of my hometown. The kids had such energy, so clearly loved the songs and cared about what they were singing, and your enthusiasm and love were infectious. It was by far the high point of the night, for the band as well as the audience. Staten Island is lucky to have you. Thanks!

  8. wow, like i said to you from near the front row, so good! after seeing CH twice already, i was prepared for sadness when the 3rd show ended, but i am left feeling completely uplifed and hopeful. i hear horror stories about music programs being slashed but the way you obviously care so deeply about what you do, and are inspired and inspiring, gives me hope that music will continue to be a part of kids' lives. i can't say enough about how wonderful last night was. thank you.

  9. Thank you for the videos. It looks like an amazing show. Your kids are so talented & entertaining. It is so wonderful to see children that age showing such dedication to something. It really is inspiring. Good job!

  10. Thank you so much for posting the videos--they are really wonderful. I wish I could have been there in person, and I can only imagine the high that you and the students must have felt.

  11. omg we are even better than i thought it was the best day of my life i actually felt appreciated. this was an amazing experience byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee evil

  12. PS22 rocks! Thank you guys for an amazing show last night. I've been going to Crowded House & Neil Finn shows for years, but this one topped them all. Keep up the great work!

  13. Those kids are awesome, that would of been a awesome concert to see. Thanks for sharing those wonderful videos. Keep it up.

  14. this was so, so, so, so AMAZING!!!! I t was so good that the day after we sang i had 2 stay home from school cause i lost my voice!!! but it was worth it!!!!!(:

  15. can't argue with that, ashley! but i have to say, considering you lost your voice yesterday, you certainly sounding amazing at the American Idol callbacks!! Mrs. Burns and I couldn't get over you!!!

  16. thanx spitter b i dont think i`m gonna make it to the next round, even though my voice sounded good i still needed to put more feeling and expression into it. but if i do make it to the next round i am planning to do a whole lot better!!!
    ashley530 (:

  17. man, i thought i was hard on MYself. ashley, you were absolutely amazing. great that you want to challenge yourself to be better, but you have to know how amazing that performance was last week.


  18. THANX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Gregg!!! Finally viewed these. I know this is about the kids and they are amazing. But I also have to say that it's always so nice to see you in your element, and THAT's what makes me cry every time - that you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. How many people can say that? I see us in your basement recording covers on tape, and you were just as passionate back then. It's inspiring.

  20. Thanks so much Lani! Beautiful compliment to me and the kids. Definitely good times back in college days, making music! Hope married life is treating you well!!!


  21. I just learned about PS22, and I am absolutely in love. Do you have an album? I would definitely buy it and advertise to my friends. Can your choir tour the country?

  22. thanks david! logistics make it a bit tough for touring, however we are definitely looking into possibilities for an album.... stay tuned! :)

  23. Mr. B
    Please Please keep up the great work as I was once a grade school music teacher i know how tough it can be on many levels. The experiences that you are giving these kids is simply outstanding!!! I look forward to the music that these kids will make when they are older but more importantly I look forward to the leaders these kids will be in the future!! Tell the kids that they have a fan in Illinois

  24. Thanks Jeremy! Great meesage to the kids! :)

  25. OMG I discovered you guys through Perez's site. I am 32 years old and spent 9 glorious, wonderful years of my life in a chior. I remember being a kid and getting chills standing in the middle of this unbeliveable sound we were creating. How strange it is for me to hear one of my most favorite songs, Private universe' sung by you wonderful singers all the way over in America. It gave me shivers and I must admit envoked a oain in my chest and tears from my eyes because of how beautiful you were.

    From one singer In Australia to you gorgeous guys in America. Thank you, thank you so much you are wonderful. Also, what a wonderful conductor you have with an ear for arrangement.

    Pure joy, thank you again

    Shelley From Melbourne Australia


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-- MGMT. :)

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