Saturday, May 31, 2008

American Idol 2008 Is Coming...

The event of the season will be taking place at PS22 on June 4th, as PS22 presents its third AMERICAN IDOL (Graniteville Edition)!! The talent this year at PS22 is astounding and is well represented by the 22 Finalists! They survived a rigorous process of 4 rounds of performances, and are going to take the stage to determine once and for all, this year's TRUE American Idol. (Answer: ALL OF THEM!)

Congratulations to all the finalists!

1) Allie (4th grade) -- Gotta Go My Own Way (From High School Musical)
2) Julian (4th grade) -- Numb (by Linkin Park)
3) Divina (1st grade) -- Fabulous (High School Musical)
4) Kevin (1st grade) -- S.O.S. (by Jonas Brothers)
5) Amber (5th grade) -- Karma (by Alicia Keys)
6) Abdulaye (5th grade) -- You Should Let Me Love You (by Mario)
7) Ashley (5th grade) -- Hurt (by Christina Aguilera)
8) Azaria (2nd grade) -- Irreplaceable (by Beyonce)
9) Vivian (5th grade) -- See You Again (by Miley Cyrus)
10) Angela (5th grade) -- Dreaming Of You (by Selena)
11) Tirzah (4th grade) -- Bleeding Love (by Leona Lewis)
12) Karinna (3rd grade) -- I Still Believe (by Brenda K. Starr & Mariah Carey)
13) Brielle (3rd grade) -- Tattoo (by Jordyn Sparks)
14) Jake (5th grade) -- Guitar on CARAVAN
15) Victoria (5th grade) -- dancing to Ciao Amore
16) Sarah (3rd grade) -- dancing to Gasolina
17) Nora (4th grade) -- dancing to Fabulous from High School Musical 2
18) Isaiah (5th grade) -- dancing to Chris Brown
19) Ashley (5th grade) -- No One (by Alicia Keys)
20) Christian (3rd grade) -- Native American dance
21) Sandria (4th grade) -- Listen (by Beyonce)
22)Jarred (5th grade) Waiting On The World To Change (by John Mayer)


  1. why dude? there is 22 contestents and james and jarred counted 21 contestents. whos the mystery guest in american idol? NOT COOL!!!!

  2. read the post, silly, and the mystery will be solved. :P

  3. mr. b its ashley, imari,crystal,natalie,angela and angelica we saw isaiah dance and almost DIED!!!!if u kno wat i mean.all the talent is awesome!!!!! we luv it so much!!!!

  4. i'm sorry to hear that we almost lost you guys. i would miss you. :)

  5. ha ha ha ur very funny! :) well its true espeacially me and angela! lol

  6. i will let you guys fight it out! :)

  7. u kno ima winnnnn!!!!!!!!!! ashley530

  8. well i hope you both come out alive and unscathed. :) can't play favorites you know. did i tell you how much my dad loved your mp3?

  9. really? thats awesome i feel so speacial, spitter b`s dad luvs my mp3!!! thanx alot but did he compliment u??? if he didn`t smack in the back of his head !!! but not 2 hard!! thanx again!

  10. nope, no compliment for me. you guys are the ones that get the spotlight, and deservedly so! :)

  11. but i will give him that smack in the head anyway.....

  12. well since he didnt i will

  13. THANK U!

  14. mr.b i saw the american idol sneak preveiw i just cant wait till wensday to see the show its me angela i saw isaiah i LOVE the way he dances he is so cute i also love everybody else peformences it blew me away i LOVED it and thankyou for all u done for us idols THANK U again thank you for letting me be in the finals for idol_ANGELA

  15. don't thank me, angela! you EARNED your spot. nothing was given to you! you have improved tremendously over the course of this year, and your stage presence in the last two weeks has turned from wonderful to MAGICAL!! you light up the stage and you're going to do just that tomorrow! congrats!! can't wait for the show! NOW GO TO SLEEP!!!

  16. hey mr.b thanx 4 everythin that was so amazin!!!! i had great time i gave my all but i guess it wasnt good enough. but i think i was realy good maybe nex time!

  17. not good enough, ashley?!?!?! were we at the same show??!??! you were ALL off the hook!!! if it were a different audience i guarantee it would have been a different winner. you never know what and whom an audience will respond to. you made me so proud tonight, that i have no words. just thinking about how beautifully you sang and performed tonight brings a tear to my eye. i'm serious. you ALL won tonight. you were incredible, and just cuz jarred won doesn't mean that the audience didn't love you too. didn't you hear how loud the audience SCREAMED for you!??! i don't care who the audience picked, you ALL won tonight. and i have never felt more proud of all of you and the display of sportsmanship that you demonstrated. i am going to miss you ashley so much next year, and i want you to know before i sign off, that you should be extremely proud of yourself too. i can guarantee you the vote was close, and you should feel like the superstar that you proved yourself to be tonight. seriously, girl, so proud of you.....

    mr. b

  18. To ALL you guys who had the courage and talent to get on that stage tonight you guys ROCKED!!!!!!! I am so proud of each and every one of you! Be proud of yourselves and hold your heads high because you all are truly amazing. Love you guys!

    MR. B. You are the best, congrats on another outstanding show!

    Miss Lisa : )

  19. lisa, you are the best. i don't know at this point what i'll do without you next year!!! we better get you in fifth grade again! and we'll have to make sure whatever kid you're with kid can sing!!! love you buddy!


  20. thanx mr.b i will miss u 2. its just gonna be so borin in class without u takin us outta class! lol just kiddin but it will! i think i did good.i think u did 2.

  21. hey mr.B its Ben I just wanted to say that the night of idol was amazing I want to get left back on purpose just to do it again.



  23. ASHLEY,

    thanks again for the compliment about me, but YOU definitely were the star in my opinion! :)


    you were HILARIOUS!! so many teachers in school today were coming up to tell me how great you were as host! i'll be posting footage from the show, hopefully by this weekend! got some great pics of you and the rest of the gang too!


    ha! we'll have to try to work that out for ya! thanks so much for that message!


  24. last night was so fun!! it was the most fu i`ve ever had! i`m proud of the people who won, i don`t care that i didn`t!! you know that!!!!!!!!!!


  25. allie, believe me, i TOTALLY know that. i was telling all the teachers today how proud i was of you guys, you specifically in fact, for being an amazing sport. i saw the way you were trying to help divina feel better, and i can honestly tell you -- that sort of thing impresses me more than a win. the kids that won deserved their win. but that doesn't mean that you guys didn't deserve to. but i know you understand that. you truly impressed me on a whole new level last night beyond your amazing talent. and i have a brand new respect for you. you're a very cool person. i KNOW your parents are proud.

  26. hi mr.b its angelica the post its great!!!!!!!!!!

    [ ps.mostly isaiah and angela and ashely! but every one was great they all should of won!!!]

  27. i can't argue with such excellent logic, angelica! in many ways, they all DID win that night. they were all amazing.... glad you liked the post, and happy to hear from you! you guys did a great job today, by the way....



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-- MGMT. :)

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